Tag Archives: Christianity

With over 2000+ years of thought, action and in some cases really good ideas, that simply just crashed and burned, Christian history is rich and vibrant. If we ignore this history and the theological enquiry attached to it, we turn our backs on faith, heritage and hard lessons learnt along the way. The old saying still reigns: “I believe in order to understand.”[note]St. Augustine, & Anselm of Canterbury[/note] Unfortunately, we live in a ‘Just get me to the chorus’ era: “Give me the theological truth – but if it doesn’t fit in a MEME that I can like, share or…

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Ben Shapiro said, there was more anticipation in the office for Pastor John MacArthur than for any other guest they’ve had on The Sunday Special show.

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Here’s one not to miss. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, founder of Grace to You Ministries, and president of The Master’s University and The Master’s Seminary in California, will appear on the Ben Shapiro Show: Sunday Special to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more. Dr MacArthur was a frequent guest on Larry King Live and has been acknowledged by Christianity Today to be one of the most influential preachers of our time. THE @BENSHAPIRO SHOW: SUNDAY SPECIAL! Sunday: Pastor John MacArthur joins Ben to discuss the role of government, proof of God, and more!!!…

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There are times in life when it becomes obvious not only that the God who has revealed Himself in Christ is true, but that there is nowhere else to go. One such moment occurred for the apostles when many people who had been disciples of Jesus left Him because of His hard sayings (see John 6:60-66). Jesus then challenged the Twelve: ‘Do you want to go away as well?’ (John 6:66) Here they were, looking at the backs of the people who were their erstwhile friends and who were now leaving. They must have been asking themselves: ‘Did we get…

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Elshtain is right, viewing Christianity as an ethic of universal niceness and attributing it to Jesus Christ, is an aberration of Christianity. It misses the point.

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Are we made for God, the One who is all goodness and truth, or are we just intelligent slime, thrown up from some primeval soup? In A River out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life, Richard Dawkins declared: ‘The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.’ Is that true? Or does Augustine sound like he gets it right?: ‘You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in You.’ Let us look…

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Francis Schaeffer in his book, “The God Who is There,” argues that relativism has destroyed the form of society by removing structure and morality. As a result people today have an internal void which causes them to look for some kind of stability. I believe this is what has given rise to the hedonistic culture we currently see in the West. Further, this change has also contributed to the rise of Islam. In an effort to fill the void, people embraced pleasure (sex, drugs, alcohol etc.) hoping to fill the emptiness within. These temporal pleasures, however, failed to deliver what…

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A Belgian minister has called for Christian television to be banned after a Songs of Praise-style program gave an on-screen Bible reading calling for women to be submissive to their husbands. Sven Gatz, the minister for media in Flanders, told the Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad that he would make a renewed push for the abolition of religious services on public funded channels. “Of course I am not behind these kinds of statements,” he said. “The fact that they come from an old book is not an argument for letting them go on our people. This is not of this time,…

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“In my morals and ethics, I have learned to accept that I am not Greek or Roman at all, but thoroughly and profoundly Christian.”

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