Tag Archives: Article

“The only way to separate religion and politics in a country with millions of religionists, and many who wish to go into politics or political lobbying, is basically by removing the civil rights of religious people, and removing any possibility that they can have any influence in politics at all.”

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Significantly, the vast majority of Aboriginal deaths in custody are experienced by those with pre-existing health conditions, rather than anything to do with police violence or ‘systemic racism’.

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The highlight from this story is the Japanese salvage team. In particular, they used metal from the wrecks to forge crosses “as a sign of peace and reconciliation.”

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“He never marshaled an army, nor drafted a soldier, nor fired a gun; and yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have, under His orders, made more rebels stack arms and surrender without a shot fired.”

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Is it ever right to disobey the state? If so, when and why? Is there a right to rebel against authority?

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When our politicians start sounding like beauty pageant contestants, citing “Fight Climate Change” in the same way as “World Peace,” you know they’re signalling towards virtue, not science.

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Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.

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At this point, perhaps the best course of action would be to remind the government that the church does not need the state’s permission to do that which the Lord has commanded.

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Can a nation of enervated porn addicts produce the virtuous men necessary for resisting the ever-increasing threat of tyranny? As always, the fight against the enemy without begins by conquering the enemy within.

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Having been actively reading the news over the past few weeks, it has become increasingly evident that we’re witnessing a seismic cultural shift playing out in front of our eyes. One that induces us not only to introspection but also to contemplation. Does such a thing as racial division exist in the cosmopolitan country of Australia? Am I a recipient of privileges and benefits beholden to a select few simply because of the colour of my skin? Does the narrative that has been unfolding in the United States around BlackLivesMatter fit neatly into our own context? These questions and many…

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Over the coming days and weeks, you will be told a lie. In fact, not just one lie, but a series of lies, mistruths and opinions masquerading as fact, pushed by a media circuit that is infatuated with establishing a false narrative to divide us on the basis of skin colour. You will be told that systemic racism exists in modern Australia. You will be told that disparate impact is somehow a facet of systemic racism. And finally, you will be told that these supposed biases manifest themselves in the form of police brutality, incarcerations and deaths in police custody.…

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I constantly read and hear people saying that religious schools shouldn’t be able to discriminate because they receive public funds, and thus they must play by the public rules. The problem with this argument is that the people who send their children to denominational schools are part of the public too, they pay taxes and thus make up this hallowed ‘public’. The ‘secular public’ argument against denominational school funding and “discrimination” defines the public as ‘secular’; in other words, the public it is talking about is not real, it is a gerrymandered public that excludes the parents of the c.35%…

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One of the most startling insights into sin and the nature of this world comes from the French Jewish philosopher, Simone Weil, who died in 1943 but not before she was converted through reading George Herbert’s poem, ‘Love bade me welcome’. She observed: ‘Nothing is so beautiful, nothing is so continually fresh and surprising, so full of sweet and perpetual ecstasy as the good. No deserts are so dreary, monotonous and boring as evil. But with fantasy it is the other way round. Fictional good is boring and flat, while fictional evil is varied, intriguing, attractive and full of charm.’…

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Roughly 40% of Australians voted No to same-sex marriage and, according to a recent Newspoll, roughly 40% also reject the legitimacy of religious protections for Australians who disagree with same-sex marriage. The debates taking place in Federal parliament regarding religious liberty are culturally significant. The cultural reformation of the 1960s has transformed social views on sex, marriage, family, and, increasingly, gender. And yet clearly not all have gone with the tide. What became increasingly obvious during the same-sex marriage debate and now with the debate over religious protections is that culturally Australia is shifting back to the acrimonious sectarianism that…

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In the article titled, To Christians arguing ‘no’ on marriage equality: the Bible is not decisive, Robyn J. Whitaker suggests the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, as recorded in Genesis 19, has “nothing to say about homosexuality.” The destruction of the two cities is rather attributed to “sexual violence and rape.” But is Whitaker’s analysis correct? The story of Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction begins in Genesis 18, when Abraham is met by the LORD and two angels. After the LORD told Abraham, “the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave” (v.20), the two angels departed in the direction…

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Although Jesus does not specifically use the word “homosexuality,” it’s imperative to understand that the failure to use a term does not indicate a failure to teach on a topic.

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