If the people aren’t interested in Governments, Governments will govern outside the interests of the people.
Positive advances in communications technology drive the functionality of information. Its delivery is like a viaduct. Information is carried along at a fast pace. Which means that we find ourselves living in an era of information deluge. Words, thoughts and opinions rain down on us from everywhere. In this downpour, writers can be too easily tempted to reach for the fastest way to keep people reading their work. However, putting something together that’s worth a reader’s time, takes time. In this environment, writing can be hard. Gimmicks and stunts; shock and awe, are all potential roads writers can go down.Simply…
Former Iranian Muslim, now Christian pastor, arrested in the US for talking about Jesus.
In August, Iranian refugee and former Muslim, Ramin Parsa was arrested for trespassing – *coughs* for breaking blasphemy laws – while privately sharing his testimony about becoming a Christian, in a Mall of America, shopping centre in Minnesota. Tyler O’Neil from PJ media reported that while Ramin, now a Christian Pastor living in Los Angeles, was sharing his testimony: Another woman who was not part of the conversation went and complained to the security. The guard came and said, ‘You can’t solicit here.’ He then told them “we were not soliciting”. He just said, ‘Bye,’ and walked away.” After Parsa,…
Preaching in the shadow of feminism.
Controversial blogger, Adam Piggot in an article on Christian men and feminism raised some talking points about the current state of the Church. Adam discussed how Christians have backed down in the face of feminism. His major point was that ‘the modern Christian fears’ taking a stand against feminism. Adam’s argued that men, women and children have now become its puppets. Men in the Church have a particular responsibility for this. They’ve allowed the feminist conquest of the Church by feminist ideologues, who seem hell bent on either running churches and dominating their agenda, or destroying them outright. Though I…
Political Correctness and ‘hate speech’ laws are the secular equivalent of Sharia Law.
Political correctness in its excessive form is the secular equivalent of Shari’a law. It might not have the full judicial weight of Western law behind it yet, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t trying to manipulate the system so as to implement it. I used to think that the only thing wrong with political correctness was the excesses that went along with it. Take the good, reject the bad. However, the more I learn from those who practice and enforce the ideals of political correctness, the more I arrive at the conclusion that political correctness is the secular version of…
Oops! Reporter destroys media’s narrative on live TV: “The majority of migrants are men who haven’t articulated a need for asylum.”
When MSNBC crossed live to a reporter in the midst of the migrant caravan, they probably weren’t expecting this response. Gadi Schwartz was on the ground in Tijuana, Mexico meeting with some of the migrants when MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle asked: “They listen to the President who says, it’s not women and children. It’s stone, cold criminals. So, my first question is, you’re in that tent camp. Give us the profile of who is there mostly and what are they looking for.” Schwartz responded: “You’re going to see a lot of families here, a lot of women and children, but…
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to build a European army to oppose the United States.
The speech delivered by Emmanuel Macron, at the Armistice Centenary this week, was a carefully targeted rejection of Donald Trump and his popular platform. French President Emmanuel Macron remarked: The old demons are rising again, ready to complete their task of chaos and of death. Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying, ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others’, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: its moral values.[note]Emmanuel Macron…
Who Are the Real Fascists?
If the facts cannot be squeezed into a meme the level of attention those facts receive is reduced. Attention to detail is overlooked for what will best attract a view, a like, a follow or a share. Information is seen purely as a commodity.
Two women denied service at a New York restaurant because they were wearing MAGA hats.
Two women have said they were denied service at a restaurant in New York for wearing pro-Trump hats and t-shirts displaying the phrase, “Make America Great Again.” “We originally walked inside and asked for a table for two and he said that the wait was 2-hours because of our hats,” the women explained in a video posted on Twitter. “So, we got turned down – two Jewish women got kicked out of a restaurant in New York.” It’s one thing to have the freedom to refuse to create and advance a message you’re fundamentally opposed to, such as in the…
Death by lynch mob: Brett Kavanaugh, Asia Bibi and the shared rage of the mobs out to get them.
There’s an eerie similarity between the protests against Asia Bibi and the protests against Brett Kavanaugh. The tension, and rhetoric, of anti-blasphemy protesters in Pakistan, are at the same fever pitch, as anti-Kavanaugh protests were during the senate hearings, surrounding Kavanaugh’s supreme court nomination (and subsequent confirmation) in the United States. Placards brandished about during the Ford-Kavanaugh debate which labeled Kavanaugh a rapist (without evidence or a judicial trial), have much of the same intensity as the placards brandished about by Islamist protestors in Pakistan. For evidence of this, see the long list of celebrity outrage expressed online against the…
Why Social Justice Warriors are the brethren of Judas Iscariot, not Jesus Christ.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a Social Justice Warrior is ‘a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.’ The online Urban dictionary offers a more substantial explanation: A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most…
Pro-Christian, pro-family government success: Hungary sees marriages up by 42 percent while abortion and divorce are in decline.
The Hungarian government are fighting the decline in its own demographic by encouraging its citisens to have large and stable families. According to Life Site News, “Prime Minister Victor Orbán’s government is launching a formal consultation with Hungarians to elicit their ideas on how the state can give more effective support to families.” Over the next month, an estimated 8-million households will receive survey forms relating to subjects such as support for young married couples, flexible employment hours, and ways of encouraging Hungarian families to have more children. According to Hungarian website, About Hungary, Orbán’s government has had an extremely positive effect…
Hollywood actor-vist warns: “There will be blood on the streets” if Democrats lose.
78 year old, actorvist, James Cromwell, has predicted that “if we don’t stop Trump now, there will be blood in the streets.” The actor and activist, most famous for his role as farmer, Arthur Hoggett in the 1995 movie ‘Babe’ (et.al), inferred that that Trump was a fascist dictator and that America was dangerously close to losing its democracy. Variety reported that Cromwell made the “candid comments” during a quick Q & A, while walking up the red carpet. He was attending an award ceremony where he was also “honored for his work as a character actor.” According to Variety,…
WATCH: Hillary Clinton says black people ‘all look alike.’
Hillary Clinton has said “I know [black people] all look alike,” after an interviewer confused black Democrats Cory Booker and Eric Holder. “What do you think about Cory Booker saying, ‘kicked in the shins?’ the interviewer asked. “Well, that was Eric Holder,” Clinton responded. “Yeah, I know they all look alike.” The audience gasped, then applauded, as Clinton laughed at her own remark. Can you imagine the uncontrollable outrage, the media meltdown, and the celebrities demanding immediate impeachment if these words were spoken by President Trump? WATCH: Wow. Hillary tries to crack joke after Moderator confuses Eric Holder and Cory…
Mark Latham: ‘Class warfare has been replaced by identity warfare.’
I worry that Australia is sleepwalking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. Sometimes I’m asked why I wasn’t saying these things when I was leader of the Labor Party in 2004. The answer is straightforward: none of these issues were current 14 years ago. They simply didn’t exist. Australian politics has been through a remarkable period of change. Prior to the election of the Rudd Government in 2007, the budget was in surplus, our electricity supply was stable and affordable, political correctness had disappeared and only…
WATCH: Leftist tells female reporter: ‘I could throw you on the g-ddamn ground and rape you, because I have rights!’ Feminists come to HIS defense.
A protester outside a Pennsylvania Trump rally has told a female reporter that he could throw her to the ground and rape her if he wanted because he has “rights.” Kaitlin Bennett, director of Liberty Hangouts, was conducting an interview with the man when he reached out and touched her shoulder. When Bennett asked the man not to touch her, the man responded, “I want to touch you… I’m allowed to.” At that point a bystander quickly stepped in and told the man he was not allowed to touch her. “Yes I am,” the protester retorted. “I can throw her…
Ford Vs. Kavanaugh: The Attempted Hijacking of Justice?
Judgement based on raw emotion is the reason for why we have due process and habeas corpus. This system is not without flaws, but erasing due process is equal to denying the right of habeas corpus. If that happens then everyone is bound; subjected to the whim of the mob or the mood of the ruler. Due process is as important as habeas corpus. Habeas corpus being ‘the removal of illegal restraint on individual liberty.’ (Burke)[note]Burke, E. Letter To The Sheriffs of Bristol[/note] Any removal, or denial of due process, would easily lead to the same thing happening to habeas corpus.…
The confessing church is a church of martyrs.
The word martyr [μάρτυς] means to ‘bear witness’, this is derived from the word marturion [μαρτύριον] which is understood to mean evidence testimony; witness; to be testified. The word martyr is also connected to martyromai [μαρτύρομαι] ‘I am urging; I am bearing witness; I am declaring; I am insisting.’[note]Goodrick,W.E & Kohlenberger.J.R 1999 NIVAC:The Strongest NIV exhaustive concordance Zondervan USA[/note] Along with a lot of His colleagues, family and friends – of whom one was Karl Barth and the other Martin Niemöller, Bonhoeffer fits the profile of declaring; bearing witness; insisting. He was a martyr. Today, fascist theory might only exist in fringe elements of society, but the style of political activism employed…
Review: Amazon Prime’s, ‘Jack Ryan’, The Rebranding & Forced Conversion of An American Patriot.
Amazon’s ‘Jack Ryan’ is a fresh creative take on Tom Clancy’s, ‘Jack Ryan’ brand. The story has a standard structure. The plot is revealed as characters move from one crisis to the next. Each episode adds to the next, leading to the narrative’s conclusion. Casting was on point. Actor John Krasinski (Jack Ryan) plays alongside Australian actress, Abbie Cornish (Doctor Cathy Mueller who takes up a “casual” romantic relationship with Ryan). Wendell Pierce (Robert Zane in ‘Suits’) plays the role of James Greer. All three add to the series and its fresh creative take on Tom Clancy’s, ‘Jack Ryan’ brand. Amazon has been consistent in the temperaments…
Candace Owens challenges Captain America’s Chris Evans to debate: ‘He basically called Kanye a dumb n*gger.’
Candace Owens has challenged Chris Evans to a debate after the Captain America star suggested Kayne West’s support of President Trump was essentially due to a lack of education. “There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue,” Evans tweeted on Monday. “The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just frustrating, it’s retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.” There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue. The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just…
At what point do you become an Australian?
A few weeks back, reacting to the maiden speech by Katter’s Australia Party senator, Fraser Anning, who broadly (and in some areas of his speech, recklessly) called for a review of Australia’s immigration policies, Australian senator, Lucy Gichuhi, (who was born in Kenya) asked the question: “At what point do you become an Australian?” Lucy’s answer was, “…when I get a citizenship paper! Full stop! Period! Finished!” I follow Senator Gichuhi’s political posts. I supported Senator Bob Day, of the Family First party, passing his position over to her after his election win was declared invalid because of a candidacy conflict with the Constitution. I…
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