How Porn Reshapes A Nation
Last month was Pride Month, so it’s a fitting time to reflect on the last decade and what made it such a revolutionary period in Australia’s history. Consider just a few of the radical things that have happened… 2016-17 — The Safe-Schools fiasco 2017 — Same-sex marriage is legalised 2019 — The Australian Human Rights Commission releases its ‘Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people’ When you look back, it is unthinkable that same-sex marriage would have been legalised even ten years ago! In fact, just read this 2010 statement from Labor Party’s Penny Wong: The party’s…
The Toxic Tolerance of Sweet Liz Ellis
In a nation that worships our sport and our sporting elites, Liz Ellis is a beloved Australian sporting hero. Liz played 122 netball games representing Australia, four years of which were as captain. Her personality displayed in the media is down to earth, her relative modesty and unassuming humour make it easy to like her. She seems like she should be a voice of moderation. But yesterday Liz Ellis effectively accused Maria Folau of supporting or endorsing homophobia in a comment on Twitter. There are serious problems with Liz’s comments, problems which reveal a toxic practice of intolerance and bigotry against…
The Labor Party has abandoned Christian Australians
It is slowly starting to dawn on some Labor voters that Australians with a traditional Christian worldview are feeling somewhat targeted. Entirely unremarkable beliefs consistent with the last few millennia of Christian doctrine have somehow become as repulsive as racism. Instead of debating our ideas, self-described ‘progressives’ attribute a diagnosis of phobia, a pathological mental disorder. Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen belled the cat, warning that religious Australians believe the ALP has abandoned them, according to a report in today’s The Australian. “I have noticed as I have been around during the election campaign, and even in the days since, how…
Will Labor listen and learn or lurch further left?
Labor’s Chris Bowen told voters, “If you don’t like our policies, don’t vote for us.” It was an applaudable moment of conviction and commitment I’d like to see more often in political contests. Tell the electorate who you are, what you believe in, what you honestly think is worth fighting for, and then let us choose. I asked my Uber driver yesterday if he was happy with the outcomes of the federal election, without telling him anything about me or my views. He offered that he was normally a Labor voter, but was greatly disillusioned by the way they’d “become…
The Cult of the Celebrity
Recently, I was watching the evening news on television, and becoming increasingly irritated at the rot that was being passed off as newsworthy. Virtually all the news was gossip about celebrities. The antics of film stars and drunk footballers are hardly what make the real world go round. Celebrities, heroes and personalities have come in all shapes and sizes down through the age, but they seem to be converging these days to one common factor: one need not do anything worthwhile, just being famous is enough. On 25 February 1956 Nikita Khrushchev, of all people, delivered a stinging attack ‘On…
The war against One Nation
Mainstream media are revelling like pigs in mud with the sensational headlines they get to write this week about One Nation. The big story is James Ashby and Steve Dickson flew to America to meet with lobbyists and were secretly recorded discussing potential policies and donations. Apparently, it’s business as normal when the major parties do it, but outrageous when One Nation does. Or is it only scandalous because the topic was every authoritarian’s favourite policy: government restrictions on law-abiding firearms owners; and the lobbyist was the NRA? Gun regulation is a darling of the leftist media complex internationally and…
The single most important election issue
The Australian Labor Party this week announced a new campaign policy: their intention to make abortion on demand legal and free across Australia. With this single policy they have made it impossible for any authentic Christian to vote for them, much less stay silent on the sidelines of this impending federal election. Labor outlined plans to build a new abortion facility in Tasmania, the only state without one. They also heralded their intention to change the state law in NSW, completely dismissing the rights of the residents of that sovereign state to make their own decisions about state laws, but…
Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
Liberals are the real authoritarians, says the New York Post. “A political-science journal that published an oft-cited study claiming conservatives were more likely to show traits associated with ‘psychoticism’ now says it got it wrong. Very wrong.” “The American Journal of Political Science published a correction this year saying that the 2012 paper has ‘an error’ — and that liberal political beliefs, not conservative ones, are actually linked to psychoticism.” Read: Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic Turns out liberals are the real authoritarians. A political-science journal that published an oft-cited study claiming conservatives were more likely to show traits…
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