23 search results for "farage"

A teacher speaking at the UK’s 2018 Labour Party Conference has claimed children “brought up properly” would not embrace center-right political views. Sion Rickard claimed that children are not born “bad” or “evil”, so a “proper education” would reduce the number of Tories. “I’ve never met a bad four year old,” Rickard said. “I’ve never met a four year old that was evil, so every child has a chance, and if we give them a proper education, we’ll empty our prisons… we’ll have much less problems with the NHS, social issues, we’ll probably not have any Tories, because we’ll have…

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A guest on Good Morning Britain has claimed the English flag and St George’s Cross are the most racist symbols in Britain. “This flag has been used by the Right, also by people like Nigel Farage, to push an image of Englishness which is exclusive,” the guest explained. You have to understand what Englishness is, and we have to have a proper conversation. There are some good parts [to England], but there are also some pretty bad parts. Look at Colonialism, look at slavery, look at these things. You can’t just say it’s all great. There’s a reason why the far-right…

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Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, has been denied entry into the UK for criticising Islam during a previous visit. Border police in Calais detained Southern as she attempted to enter on a bus. The official notice of refusal claims Southern was “involved in the distribution of racist material in London.” Authorities deemed Southern “a threat to the fundamental interests of society and to the public policy of the United Kingdom.” Southern was stopped and investigated under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which allows authorities broad and intrusive powers to stop, search and hold individuals “without any ground of suspecting…

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