
School Children to Use Changing Rooms and Toilets of Their Preference, Government Guideline States

"Trans girls should be able to use the female toilets if they prefer to."

New Zealand’s Ministry of Education is advising primary and high schools to allow students to use the changing room and toilet of their choosing.

The Education Ministry gave the instruction in their latest version of their Relationships and Sexuality Education guide.

The guidance also includes unisex toilets, not separating class activities into groups based on ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ and the inclusion of gender-neutral uniform options.

The changes come after the Education Review Office found less than a fifth of schools taught sex education, and are failing to cover subjects such as consent, healthy relationships, impacts of social media, and pornography.

According to the new guidelines for Years 1-8, for the well-being of students, schools need to ensure their facilities do not discriminate on the basis of biological gender.

The document states:

“Schools need to ensure that [students] can access toilets and changing rooms that align with their gender identification. This supports their sense of identity and wellbeing. Toilets and changing rooms can be unsafe environments for many [students], especially those who don’t identify as male or female. Disabled [students] may also be gender or sexually diverse. Toilets and changing rooms should be safe and accessible for all [students]. For example, some schools have individual unisex toilets.”

The guidance goes on to say:

“Trans, non-binary, and intersex [students] should be able to choose a toilet and changing room that matches their gender identity. Trans girls should be able to use the female toilets if they prefer to. Ideally, schools will have at least one gender-neutral toilet available to [students], but trans, non-binary, and intersex [students] should not be required to use this rather than male or female toilets.”

Onslow College principal Sheena Milla told 1 News, “Society changes and students change and we need to be prepared to change with them and grow with them and learn from them.”

Noah Webster once aptly said: “Every civil government is based upon some religion or philosophy of life. Education in a nation will propagate the religion of that nation.”

It’s safe to say that the Western world has not moved from Christianity to a point of ideological neutrality, but to an entirely new religion in itself. A religion with its own sexual ethic and moral framework. A religion the young are indoctrinated into from birth. A religion with its own “thou shalts” and “shalt nots.” A religion that one dare not blaspheme or else face the modern inquisition.

It’s more important than ever that parents get involved with their children’s education. Know the sermons your child is subject to for more than six hours a day, five days a week. Or better yet, as Rod Lampard has suggested, “Homeschool where you can, when you can, if you can.”

Because as Jesus warned, “The student isn’t above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Lk. 6:40).



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