The Caldron Pool Show: #49 – Military Against the Mandates (with R. Davis Younts)
Evelyn Rae chats with R. Davis Younts, a former lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserves and a JAG lawyer representing military personnel who lost their careers due to the mandates.
The Caldron Pool Show: #48 The Lost Art of Storytelling (with Christine Cohen)
Evelyn Rae chats with author Christine Cohen about the lost art of storytelling. Christine is the author of The Winter King and The Sinking City.
The Caldron Pool Show: #47 – Whitewashing and the New Blackface
Evelyn Rae chats with Samuel Sey about forced diversity and Hollywood’s new blackface: casting black actors for white characters.
The Caldron Pool Show: #46 – Fearing Christian Nationalism
There’s a lot of fear-mongering when it comes to Christians in politics. Especially so whenever the phrase “Christian Nationalist” is uttered. But is it a concept we should fear? Evelyn Rae chats with Pastor Joel Webbon to find out what it’s all about.
The Caldron Pool Show: #45 – The Case for the Christian Family
The family is dissolving. Marriage is no longer marriage, and the state could take away your children any time they want to. What we need today are real solutions. In his book ‘The Case for the Christian Family,’ Pastor and Author Jared Longshore says the church needs to recover covenantal living. But what does that mean? In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Pastor Longshore explains.
The Caldron Pool Show: #44 – Church At War
Evelyn Rae chats with Jacob Reaume, one of the courageous Canadian pastors who took on the beast during the height of C19 madness.
The Caldron Pool Show: #43 – The Voice: Yes or No?
Later this year, the Australian government will ask all Australians to decide: Should we recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in The Constitution, with a Voice? It sounds harmless enough, right? In this episode, Evelyn Rae chats with Dr Stephen Chavura about Australia’s proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament and what it could mean for all Australians.
The Caldron Pool Show: #42 – The War On Masculinity (With Will Spencer)
Evelyn Rae chats with William Spencer, host of the Renaissance of Men Podcast, about the war on masculinity, false solutions, and recovering biblical manhood.
The Caldron Pool Show: #41 – Pandemic Amnesty for Pandemic Sins? With CrossPolitic
Evelyn Rae chats with Toby Sumpter, Chocolate Knox, and Gabe Rench from CrossPolitic to discuss “pandemic amnesty” for unrepentant pandemic sins, the upcoming U.S. election, and more!
The Caldron Pool Show: #40 – Haunted Cosmos
It’s the second season of The Caldron Pool Show! In our first episode back, Evelyn Rae chats with the hosts of the Haunted Cosmos podcast, Ben Garrett and Brian Sauvé. The trio discuss the weird world of the supernatural. What are the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6? Where do demons come from? Are they connected to aliens? Who built the pyramids? And more importantly, how do we safely examine the unknown without losing our minds?
The Caldron Pool Show: #39 – Q&A (with Tom Foord)
Evelyn Rae puts your questions to Pastor Tom Foord of Hope Reformed Baptist Church.
The Caldron Pool Show: #38 – The Procedure (with Kevin Sorbo and Laura Klassen)
Evelyn Rae sits down with actor Kevin Sorbo and Pro-Life advocate Laura Klassen to discuss their viral short film ‘The Procedure.’
The Caldron Pool Show: #37 – A Case for Calvinism (with Dr James White)
Could this be our most ‘triggering’ episode yet? What is Calvinism and is it biblical? Evelyn Rae chats with author, speaker, and professor James White about a doctrine that the Apostle Paul anticipated would upset his hearers (see Romans 9). In this episode, Dr White offers an outline of what “Calvinism” means and responds to some common objections.
The Caldron Pool Show: #36 – What’s Missing From the Pulpit (with Ray Comfort)
In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with author and evangelist Ray Comfort about a crucial biblical teaching that is absent from many pulpits today.
The Caldron Pool Show: #35 – Soy Globalism (with Raw Egg Nationalist)
In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with author and health advocate, Raw Egg Nationalist about the rise of soy globalism.
The Caldron Pool Show: #34 What is Christian Nationalism? (with Doug Wilson)
Christian Nationalism. It’s been the subject of debate in recent days, and not just within the church. Mainstream media outlets have warned about it’s ‘threatening’ rise across Western nations. But what is Christian Nationalism? Is it really the dangerous ‘threat’ that its detractors would suggest or is it the answer to many of our social ills?
In this episode, Evelyn Rae chats with Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho to find out more. Pastor Wilson and his church were recently the subject of a segment titled, ‘The Rise of Christian Nationalism’ on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’
The Caldron Pool Show: #33 – What Happened to the Household (with C.R. Wiley)
Evelyn Rae chats with pastor, author, and illustrator C.R. Wiley about the industrial revolution’s impacts on the household and what we need to do to remedy the breakdown of the family.
The Caldron Pool Show: #32 – Caesar and the Church (with Anthony Forsyth)
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s!” But what is Caesar’s? “Obey Caesar unless it’s sinful” has become an almost universal interpretation of Romans 13. But is that correct? When the government says, “Jump!” do we say, “How high?”
In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with Anthony Forsyth, author of “Caesar and the Church,” to discuss our churches’ varied responses to government mandates and restrictions. Anthony helps us to understand what the Bible says about authority and how it relates to the relationship between the civil government and the church.
The Caldron Pool Show: #31 – The Ezekiel Declaration
Exactly one year ago, The Ezekiel Declaration was published. The document was an open letter to the Australian Prime Minister opposing the implementation of vaccination passports, especially within the church.
Before long, the document went viral and attracted the support of over 3,000 concerned church leaders and more than 26,000 members and attendees. Its popularity also attracted critics, who lamented the letters ‘tone’ and accused the authors of casting doubt on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines that were being imposed on the public.
Of course, the criticisms did not age well. A year later, it’s safe to say the authors and signatories have now been entirely vindicated in their near-prophetic concerns.
In this episode of The Caldron Pool Show, Evelyn Rae chats with the three pastors who authored the declaration 12 months ago.
The Caldron Pool Show: #30 – Genesis and the Exodus – Fact or Fiction? (with David Rohl)
Is the Bible historical fact or fiction? Is there any evidence for the exodus, the sojourn, the conquest? Evelyn Rae chats with Egyptologist and best-selling author David Rohl to find out!