A 45-year old convicted sex offender has defended his child-pornography collection by claiming he identifies as an 8-year-old girl.
During his sentencing, Joseph Gobrick of Grand Rapids, Michigan, argued, “I’ve always been an 8-year-old girl. And even in my drawings and fantasies, I am always an 8-year-old girl.”
Gobrick also claimed the images did not constitute child pornography because they were mostly computer-generated images and were protected under the First Amendment. Police, however, said eight child victims were identified in the images recovered from his computer.
Kent County Circuit Court Judge Paul Denenfeld found Gobrick guilty on three counts of child sexually abusive commercial activity and using a computer to commit a crime. He was sentenced to between 10 and 20 years in prison.
The question we need to answer as a society is: if some biological factors don’t matter, then on what basis do any biological factors matter? If a biological male can identify as a female, and society expects that biological male to be treated as such, then why doesn’t the same apply to a person’s biological age?