634 search results for "good government"

“The role of schools is to serve the family, not the other way around…Teaching kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is political indoctrination and it’s got to end.”

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Australian TR News contributor, Avi Yemini masterfully illustrated how toxic intersectionality is to mental health. If intersectionality can’t find oppression, it’ll apply cognitive distortions to “find” oppression where none existed or exists. Yemini wrote on Twitter: “I’m half white. Meaning half of me is responsible for the oppression of the other half. I finally grew the bollocks to confront myself. I demanded an apology from my oppressive half. He refused. Selfish pr**k.” Jonathon Haidt explains in ‘The Coddling of the American Mind‘, that the concept of intersectionality follows directly on the heals of Herbert Marcuse’s 1965 essay, ‘Repressive Tolerance’.  Marcuse, ‘the father of…

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Last week Ben Packham wrote in The Australian that ‘China scored a victory in its campaign to prioritize its national interests over human rights, securing support for a UN resolution that would make individual rights a matter for “mutually beneficial co-operation.” [i] In other words, individual rights are solely contingent on an individual’s total subservience to and acquiescence with the Marxist/Maoist state. The individual must bow to the deified state in toto – mind, body, soul and strength. This is the Chinese Communist Party’s theocratic claim of possession over individuals, which is, outside good governance genuinely lived out under God,…

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Eric Abetz (LNP) is proving to be no mediocre politician. His speech from July last year remains relevant, making it one of the best ever entered into the Australian senate’s Hansard.[i] This year the Senator for Tasmania provided us with a sequel. Speaking about ‘Political Discourse’ Abetz went head to head with cancel culture and the Left’s double standards. The speech highlighted Queensland University Law professor, James Allen’s piece for The Australian on the June, 16. He gave a long list of examples where people were being bullied into submission, and their livelihoods cancelled because of a small, boisterous percentage…

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The “memory hole” is one of the most haunting images in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Used by government workers at the Ministry of Truth, this chute in the wall enabled Oceania’s one-party government to edit history at will and incinerate all evidence of their propagandistic deeds: Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is…

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Chair of Lambeth Independent Police Advisory Group and community activist Lorraine Jones said she wasn’t sure if the statue of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill should be removed because she hasn’t ‘personally met him.’ Lorraine Jones appeared on Channel 4 News yesterday to speak with presenter Cathy Newman about the recent protests and counter-protests across London. Ms Jones suggested it’s time for the government to reexamine the historic statues around the city and promptly relocate any ‘that shouldn’t be there’ to a museum. “I think that what needs to happen, which I know has already started, we need to look…

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Satire: AUSTRALIA must address factors that make criminals more likely to go to jail than other members of the community, activists say. While the Australian Institute of Criminology has found the rate at which criminals die in custody has been decreasing, data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the proportion of prisoners in Australia who are criminals has remained steady at 100 percent. This is despite the fact that 100% of prisoners claim to be innocent. “Criminals are over-represented in our prisons,” activist Ima Lawless told thousands of peaceful protestors who had gathered to loot department stores in the…

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If you Google the term “Cultural Marxism,” you will likely be told that it is a right-wing conspiracy theory. But pick a different search engine, or scroll for long enough, and you will find a more robust definition. Cultural Marxism—for those new to the concept—is a worldview gaining immense popularity throughout the West. It refers to a collection of ideas rather than a collection of people. Cultural Marxism is a secular philosophy that views all of life as a power struggle between the oppressed and the oppressor. The oppressor is usually an aspect of traditional western society such as the family, capitalism,…

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Lockdown apologists have been crowing about Swedes “admitting their approach was wrong on Covid-19”. The only problem is, as usual, they’re not basing their conclusions on real evidence. Reports from The Guardian and New York Times, two former newspapers (each as biased as epidemiological modelling from the London Institute), kind of admitted Sweden’s Chief Epidemiologist made no such admission. Sweden, among others, has been held up by lockdown opponents like me as rational lovers of liberty and life (yes, we can walk and chew gum at the same time). Their approach relied on voluntary action, physical distancing and vigilant personal hygiene – all pretty…

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“You must not blaspheme God or curse a ruler of your people.” Exodus 22:28 ​As violent protests and hatred for police spillover from the USA to the Western world, many hidden agitators are seeking to violently overthrow governments. They claim that destruction of property, and many lives taken, are necessary to awaken the world to ‘systemic racism’ that supposedly disregards that “blacks lives matter”. It appears that several officers have been charged in connection to George Floyd’s alleged murder in police custody. Since his death, over 4000 Americans have been arrested, hundreds are injured and dozens killed or murdered. Peaceful…

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In case you didn’t think 2020 could get any more perplexing, there are now uncontrolled riots taking place in dozens of American cities. From coast to coast, cars and businesses have been set alight, numberless shops have been looted, vehicles have been driven into crowds, and mob violence has broken out on city streets. In the week since the rioting began, numerous people have lost their lives and thousands have been arrested. Many cities have imposed curfews and the National Guard has been deployed in over 20 states. The unrest started last week in Minneapolis after a video went viral showing the…

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An unmistakable optimism has returned to countries like Australia as lockdown restrictions begin to ease. Even the news cycle has begun to focus on issues other than the coronavirus, to our collective relief. For several months there was blanket news coverage of the pandemic. Media outlets kept feeding our insatiable appetite to know more about a crisis that so directly impacts our health, our livelihoods, and our loved ones. I remember seeing early reports suggesting that the death toll could approach 68 million. It is a relief, then, that as infection rates flatten in most countries, the death toll has been only…

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Most of us would remember the popular Christian arm bracelets with the acronym ‘WWJD?’ The initials stand for What Would Jesus Do? It was a question that was supposed to remind people to deal with every situation the way Jesus would. One comical response to the question was to suggest that “flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip was within the realm of possibility.” That is, after all, something Jesus did, right? But is it licence for us to do likewise? Is it OK for us to destroy other people’s property in the name of social justice? It’s…

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President Trump on Sunday said the United States of America will be designating Antifa as a Terrorist Organisation. The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2020 The announcement comes after the President blamed Antifa and the radical left for the violent protests taking place across the country, supposedly in response to the death of George Floyd. Social media has been flooded with shocking videos of rioters viciously beating people on the streets. BREAKING: man critically injured at Dallas riots It appears he attempted to defend a shop…

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George Floyd’s fiancée has said George would not want protesters responding to his death with anger and hatred, but with grace. Speaking with a local news outlet, a tearful Courtney Ross suggested her fiancé would not condone the violent and destructive riots that have taken place across Minneapolis in response to Floyd’s death. “You can’t fight fire with fire,” Ms Ross said. “Everything just burns. And I’ve seen it all day today. People hate. They’re hating, they’re hating, they’re hating. They’re mad. And he would not want that. He wouldn’t! “He wouldn’t, he would give grace. He would. I stand…

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Bolstered by the apparent reluctance of the Morrison federal government to answer growing concerns over the Victorian government’s secretive ‘belt and road’ deal with the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communist propaganda machine went full Hanoi Hannah, in an attempt to stir up fear of a potential American withdrawal from its long-standing partnership with Australia. In response to what America thought about the deal, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a frequent whipping boy of China’s Global Times, told Sky News that he didn’t know the ‘nature of the projects’, but asserted that the United States will do everything it can…

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Is it time to replace our elected politicians with non-elected experts? We have always voted representatives into public office. But perhaps that has been our problem. They were representative of us! Who among us is an expert, fit to adjudicate on the big questions of life? These days most of us are flat out just trying to work out what to watch on Netflix! Surely the past few years have proved that Abraham Lincoln’s “government of the people by the people for the people” should indeed perish from the earth. Increasingly I wonder if a better model for society might…

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Firebrand Australian Tasmanian senator, Jackie Lambie joins the Liberal National Party’s George Christensen, and Andrew Hastie, along with One Nation’s Pauline Hanson, and Mark Latham, in being among the few Australian parliamentarians to publicly challenge Chinese Communist interference in Australian society, education and politics. Arguing for a “Make Australia Make Again” campaign, the senator channelled her fiery speech from December warning about government inaction with regards to the Chinese regime. Lambie took direct aim and shot straight in the heart of the path of least resistance chosen by The Greens, Labor, and the LNP. It was a clean shot across…

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New Zealand’s Prime Minister will meet with Australia’s COVID Cabinet in a bid to discuss, and secure a plan, allowing restricted travel to and from New Zealand into Australia, and vice versa. They’re calling the plan a “trans-Tasman bubble”. The idea is designed to help reestablish contact with other nations, and give New Zealand’s COVID-19 counter-measure shattered, tourism-dependent economy a reboot. Nine News reports that the heavily policed measure should be operational in time for New Zealand’s September ski season. According to the report, “almost 40 per cent of international arrivals to New Zealand are from Australia, heavily contributing to…

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Since March this year, our government is ruling by executive decree and this country has effectively become a police state. Of course, a police state does not mean a totalitarian state — I am still able to write this article without being immediately arrested. However, we are already living with all key hallmarks of a police state. According to Dennis Prager, the primary elements of a police state are (1) draconian laws depriving citizens of elementary rights; (2) a mass media supportive of the state’s messaging and deprivation of fundamental rights; (3) excessive use of power by the police; (4)…

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