Elections aren’t merely about political issues, they’re about theological and moral issues.
As we are heading for two elections in the coming months, it may be a very good time to reflect on who we truly are. If we recall the prayer of Jesus for His disciples in John 17:16 – “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it”. This should serve us all as a timely reminder that we are but visitors here and yet we are called to be His witness for as long as we are here. Paul also speaks to how we are to live here in Romans 13:1 when he writes: “Let…
Three Reasons why you should be concerned about Silicon Valley’s Connection to Communist China’s Golden Shield Firewall
If you’re not really into Information Technology and are not aware of what the Golden Shield project is, you’re forgiven. The majority of Chinese people either don’t care or aren’t aware of its existence either. The Golden Shield Project is Communist China’s massive firewall. It’s designed to keep a lid on dissent and ward off foreign influence on Chairman Mao’s, carefully constructed Communist culture, which was largely forced on the Chinese people during the Marxist/Maoist Cultural Revolution.[note]For a full explanation of this, see Jacques Ellul’s, 1965 publication, ‘Propaganda’.[/note] Some basic history: ‘The Golden Shield project has been in development since…
Scott Morrison can’t save the election, but he can save politics.
The problem with Australian politics is the paradox of a lack of clear choices and a context of unprecedented polarisation. If I can even be so naive as to suggest there is only one problem, or even only one main problem, optimism about political debate and futures could be greatly improved simply by the major parties clearly distinguishing themselves from each other. There’s a common frustration about both parties being nearly indistinguishable. MPs in the parties often feel this is unfair, especially those further from the centre, and their feelings are not without merit. But neither are the comparisons. For…
Simone Weil’s Beef With Bureaucracy: The Bureaucratic Caste, Parasitism and Crony Capitalists
Born out of conversations with a friend from the United States, I was given the opportunity to read a compilation of fragments and essays written by Simone Weil called: ‘Oppression and Liberty’. The compilation flows in chronological order and presents some of Weil’s thoughts on anthropology, economics, politics, ideology and war. Simone was a French intellectual. Like Jacques Ellul, whom she presumably never met, Weil worked in the French resistance and was well schooled in Marxism. Among many others in the elite French communist circles of mid 20th Century, she was a contemporary of rebel and excommunicated member, Albert Camus.…
WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, being morally right is more important than being factually correct.
OKAY, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an easy target. And she’s had a lot of cringe-worthy moments. But could this one take the cake? During a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper highlighted the fact that the Washington Post had criticized Ocasio-Cortez for misstating statics about Pentagon spending. Ocasio-Cortez responded: “If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” she added. WATCH: OH MY GOD. ?THIS…
How to uproot the Christian church, a masterclass from Louis XIV
By 1685 Louis XIV had from the age of four been the King of France for 42 years, and he still had another thirty years to reign. From birth his mind and heart had been thoroughly trained to believe that God had anointed him to be France’s absolute ruler. His Huguenot subjects, the French Protestants who refused to submit to his Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, offended him. They stood outside of his thought-world. They stood against the beliefs that he cherished as true. Ultimately, he sensed that they stood outside of his control. The Huguenots offended the abysmal totalitarian…
If the people aren’t interested in Governments, Governments will govern outside the interests of the people.
Positive advances in communications technology drive the functionality of information. Its delivery is like a viaduct. Information is carried along at a fast pace. Which means that we find ourselves living in an era of information deluge. Words, thoughts and opinions rain down on us from everywhere. In this downpour, writers can be too easily tempted to reach for the fastest way to keep people reading their work. However, putting something together that’s worth a reader’s time, takes time. In this environment, writing can be hard. Gimmicks and stunts; shock and awe, are all potential roads writers can go down.Simply…
Reagan’s reminder: “The martyrs of history were not fools.”
This has the sharp edge of poignant relevance painted all over it: Now let’s set the record straight. There’s no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there’s only one guaranteed way you can have peace—and you can have it in the next second—surrender. Admittedly, there’s a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face—that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only…
Is disagreement in the Liberal Party better than the forced conformity of Labor and The Greens?
Brendan O’Neill has suggested, disagreement in the Australian Liberal Party may be healthier than the forced conformity of Labor and the Greens. On Monday night’s episode of Q&A, O’Neill said: “Labor and the Greens possibly have a more conformist take on [climate change, same-sex marriage, and multiculturalism] and possibly have even quelled any form of dissent within their ranks in relation to those issues. “You try being a Climate skeptic in the Labor Party, it’s not allowed. You try criticising same-sex marriage, whether from a religious perspective or a secular perspective, it’s not allowed… “If there is all this disagreement…
“I’m an atheist, and I believe Australia needs to be re-evangelised.”
I experienced a variety of feelings at one of the first live events I organised as an independent activist, one I hosted with Mark Latham in the middle of 2017, when a gentleman stood up during the Q&A portion of the evening and said for everyone’s information, “My name’s Chris, I’m an atheist, and I believe Australia needs to be re-evangelised.” On one hand you could have knocked me over with a feather, often being more familiar with irrational aggression from atheists than affection. On the other hand, he was substantiating a belief I’ve long held that the real world…
Genuinely conservative.
In 2040, when I am hauled before the Department for Eradication of Hate, Bigotry and Offending Protected Minority Categories (or DEHBOPMC), and I am asked, “did you, or did you not, join the Australian Conservatives Party in 2017?” I will feel compelled by my conscience, and the fact that they probably have evidence, to say “yes”. And then I’ll be admitted to some compulsory psychiatric sessions or a reconditioning labour-camp, or have “don’t platform” stamped on my forehead until they can map out the network of phobes and isms that constitute my particular condition. Or maybe I’ll even get shot…
Christianity outlawed? The Greens push to have religious freedom drastically reduced.
In an effort to crack down on religious freedom, the Greens have introduced a new bill seeking to remove religious exemptions from the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, not just for religious schools, but any religious body “connected with the provision of education or training.“ In summary, the bill seeks to “remove the exemptions for religious educational institutions to discriminate against students and teachers on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, marital or relationship status or pregnancy; and Fair Work Act 2009 to ensure that religious exemptions from anti-discrimination provisions do not extend to educational institutions.” According to Mark Sneddon, Executive Director of…
Capitalism needs compassion, compassion needs capitalism; socialism outlaws both.
Capitalism may be plagued by greed, as it hinders the free market through hoarding and monopolies, but ultimately capitalism creates room for compassion. Laws exist to fortify the free market, so as to protect the free market from the death blows of a greed-is-good culture. Through the referee of small government the free market is nurtured. Through capitalism, doors are opened for freedom; for people to be free to be compassionate; free to give out of the abundance of what they have earned. Free to give out of the abundance of what they are free to own and earn. Socialism,…
The Church should have the freedom to refuse allegiance to the State on the issue of Gay Marriage.
If Australia’s Prime Minister is serious about fairness, he’ll preserve the right to a conscientious objection to SSM; the right for people to hold the view, and teach their kids that marriage is between a man and a woman; and that those children have a right to equal access to their biological father and mother. As I have hopefully made clear in the written contributions I’ve made to this national debate, I see the issues as a matter of social justice. The “no” vote has been about defending truth, liberty, fraternity, science, and even equality, from unbalanced ideological servitude. The State wants…
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to build a European army to oppose the United States.
The speech delivered by Emmanuel Macron, at the Armistice Centenary this week, was a carefully targeted rejection of Donald Trump and his popular platform. French President Emmanuel Macron remarked: The old demons are rising again, ready to complete their task of chaos and of death. Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying, ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others’, you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: its moral values.[note]Emmanuel Macron…
Malaysia and Indonesia warn Australia, obey Muslims or risk more terrorism.
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has suggested Australian’s cause Islamic terrorism by defying the demands of Muslims. Speaking of Australia’s intention to move their embassy in Israel, Mahathir said: “I pointed out that in dealing with terrorism, one has to know the causes. Adding to the cause for terrorism is not going to be helpful.” Indonesian politicians made a similar threat. But keep in mind, every year the Australian government hands over $360-million of Australian taxpayer’s money to the ingrates in Indonesia for “foreign aid” purposes, like acquiring Apache attack helicopters worth $400-million. “Australia’s consideration on moving its embassy will…
Australian Senator declares himself a woman so that pro-choice lefties will no longer be able to attack him for opposing abortion.
We’ve all heard the objections. No uterus, no opinion. Well, Nationals Senator Barry O’Sullivan has just clobbered the Left with their own stick. O’Sullivan told parliament he now identifies as a woman so that he would no longer be attacked for his opposition to abortion. “They attacked me for my religious basis the other day… because I had the audacity to raise issues around late-term abortion where babies that are only minutes away from getting a smack on the arse and a name are being aborted under the policies of the Australian Greens,” O’Sullivan said. “I will not stand silent.…
WATCH: Cory Bernardi blasts The Greens: “The only thing they talk about is how everyone is apparently racist.”
Australian Conservatives leader Senator Cory Bernardi slammed The Greens Party on Tuesday, calling them the most disgraceful political party in Australian history. “The only thing they talk about is how everyone is apparently racist,” Bernardi told the Senate. “Everyone’s apparently racist in this country, everyone’s a bigot, everyone’s some sort of -ism or some -phobe… “The Australian people have had a gutful of The Greens and their freaky agenda… They are a closed shop of misogynists, heterophobes and reverse bigots. They are the most disgraceful political party in the history of this country.” WATCH:
Anne Aly is an expert in political opportunism
It was reported Saturday that Labor MP Anne Aly was highly critical of the Prime Minister for how he handled the terror attack in, where else but, Labor’s Victoria. Touted as a counter-terrorism expert, the leftist Islam apologist accused the PM of ‘dividing the community’ by pointing out that “the greatest threat to our way of life is radical, violent, extremist Islam.” Of course, fundamental Islam is more than a bit of a problem for all culturally Christian nations where it has any significant presence; and the bigger the presence, the bigger the problem. The sober reality which doesn’t fit…
Leftist protesters rally outside Tucker Carlson’s family home: “We know where you sleep at night… you are not safe!”
A mob of leftist protesters rallied outside the Washington D.C. family home of Fox News host and father of four, Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. The Antifa mob reportedly rang the door bell and chanted, “racist scumbag, leave town!” An “anti-fascism” group called “Smash Racism DC” posted a series of videos showing the incident on their Twitter account saying, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night”. “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” This is sick. Antifa are right now protecting in front of @TuckerCarlson house, because he supports the border wall. pic.twitter.com/7bq2e7v4pL —…
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