Who’s the Nazi now?
Pro-lifers grow accustomed to all sorts of insults, the most unimaginative being ‘Fascist’ or ‘Nazi.’ But this pro-abortion writer takes the prize for being the biggest tyrant of all when he applauds abortion for wiping out the ‘undesirables’. His fairly bizarre article appeared in Quadrant this week, singing the praises of abortion, but also – surprisingly – of eugenics. The author, William D Rubenstein, apparently lives in Australia but used American statistics to prove his point that killing babies is good for society. Especially when those babies belong to underprivileged mothers. Rubenstein’s article makes three points: that abortion has long-term demographic consequences…
Western Academics once wore rose-coloured glasses with regards to Nazism, they do with Marxism, and they’re doing the same with Islam
The opening sentence of Jacques Ellul’s, ‘Islam and Judeo-Christianity: A Critique of their commonality’, reads, ‘For nearly a decade, French intellectuals, generally speaking, have been seized with an excessive affection for Islam.’ (p.3) What follows is a ninety-four-page treatise on the reasons for why this excessive affection is not only dangerous but misguided. Ellul acknowledges the existence of a disproportionate tolerance of Islam. He then compares that to the disdain of how French intellectuals have been interacting with Judeo-Christianity (Biblical Christianity), since the 1960s’. The reason for this excessive affection is due to Islam’s[note]Islamism or Islamist Fundamentalism[/note] proximity to Marxism…
How do the Old and New Testament fit together?
Many people in the Christian Church have wondered how the Old and New Testaments are to be connected. Partly this is because of the widespread teaching of the German liberal Protestants who had no idea how to tackle this issue. One of the few who was not personally anti-Semitic was Adolf Harnack whose famous lectures of 1899 asked the question What is Christianity? He answered in terms of the Fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, and the infinite value of the human soul, and had little time for the evangelical emphasis on the death and resurrection of the God-man, Jesus…
US intelligence agencies spied on Donald Trump in 2016. The question is, was it lawful?
Since releasing a redacted version of the famed Mueller report, America’s current attorney general, William Barr, has been at the centre of much speculation and contention. The drama centers on the fact that Barr has so far refused to release an un-redacted version of the Mueller report. Barr, 68 and a Roman Catholic, was nominated by Donald Trump in December and confirmed as Attorney General in January, after a grilling Senate vetting process involving both Democrats and Republicans. He isn’t a novice to how politics works.[note]The New York Times, op-ed by Sharon LaFraniere, Charlie Savage & Kate Benner, ‘Who is…
Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it’s morally the same as abortion
Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012. According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.” The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are…
The Separation of Church and State: What it is and what it’s not
The separation between Church and State is not a divide between secular and sacred. Nor is this separation a divide between public and private. Church and State are spheres of authority within the structure of good government. Simply put: one wields the sword, the other the truth of the Gospel. As such the Gospel balances out the ideology behind who gets to yield the sword, when, why and how. This is why every totalitarian state either twists theology or purges Christians and the Christian faith.[note]Jean Bethke Elshtain, 2008. Sovereignty: God, State, and Self, Basic Books[/note] They need to suppress God’s…
Media giants are boycotting pro-lifers, but what would happen if pro-lifers started boycotting media giants?
In 1791 it’s estimated that about 300,000 people boycotted sugar produced by slaves, causing sales to drop by a third to a half. Thousands of pamphlets were printed encouraging people to join in the protest. The sugar boycott is one of the earliest examples of consumers using their purchasing power to reject unethical organisations. Two hundred years later, we may need to revisit this approach again. A number of US media giants have publicly stated they’ll “rethink” filming in Georgia if the new heartbeat abortion law comes into effect. According to the BBC, Disney, Netflix and WarnerMedia have all objected…
5 Reasons National Reconciliation Week Won’t Change Anything
In 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued an official national apology for the mistreatment of Australia’s indigenous people. Since then, evidence has abounded that race relations have simply gotten worse with open resentment and even violent protests of Australia. The latest despicable display of racial bitterness is NRL star Cody Walker’s unoriginal refusal to sing the national anthem before the State of Origin opener. You’d never guess it’s actually “National Reconciliation Week” unless that means racist virtue-signalling week. Yes, the people complaining loudest about racism are plainly racists demanding obeisance. This week will potentially only serve to deepen resentment and…
Judge rules, four-year-old foster boy should dress as a girl, despite social workers’ concerns
A UK High Court Judge has exonerated foster parents who are helping their four-year-old foster son transition to a girl. The ruling comes despite social workers claiming the parents were actively encouraging and prematurely diagnosing the boy with gender dysphoria. According to the Daily Mail, a number of social workers were attempting to have the child removed from his foster parents after they came to the belief that the couple were “actively encouraging” the child and “acted in a precipitate manner in relation to perceived gender dysphoria.” Life Site News reported, “the foster couple had sent [the child] to school…
Open Borders: Germany acknowledges the existence of “no-go zones” for its Jewish citizens who wear a yarmulke
Germany’s commissioner against anti-Semitism has issued an ambiguous warning to Jews living within Germany. Felix Klein is reported to have told Funke Media group that he “cannot advise Jews to wear yarmulkes (traditional cap) everywhere, all the time, in Germany.” CCN interpreted Klein’s warning as being the result of ‘social disinhibition (lack of restraint) and coarseness’, stating that his comments were in response to the ‘rise of attacks against Jews’ across Germany. Quoting Horst Seehofer, Germany’s interior minister, CNN said that ‘physical attacks against Jews rose from 37 in 2017 to 62 in 2018’. CCN attributed Seehofer as saying, that…
Christianity is a hoax if Jesus did not rise from the dead
The historian, Philip Schaff, is often cited regarding the resurrection of Christ: ‘Truly, Jesus Christ, the Christ of the Gospels, the Christ of history, the crucified and risen Christ, the divine-human Christ, is the most real, the most certain, the most blessed of all facts. And this fact is an ever-present and growing power which pervades the church and conquers the world, and is its own best evidence, as the sun shining in the heavens. This fact is the only solution to the terrible mystery of sin and death, the only inspiration to a holy life of love to God…
The Labor Party has abandoned Christian Australians
It is slowly starting to dawn on some Labor voters that Australians with a traditional Christian worldview are feeling somewhat targeted. Entirely unremarkable beliefs consistent with the last few millennia of Christian doctrine have somehow become as repulsive as racism. Instead of debating our ideas, self-described ‘progressives’ attribute a diagnosis of phobia, a pathological mental disorder. Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen belled the cat, warning that religious Australians believe the ALP has abandoned them, according to a report in today’s The Australian. “I have noticed as I have been around during the election campaign, and even in the days since, how…
Pro-family policies rooted in the Christian worldview and a rejection of multiculturalism cause Hungary to flourish
In an exclusive interview with Life Site News, Hungary’s State Secretary for Family and Youth Affairs said the country is flourishing due to the preservation of policies based on the Christian worldview and the natural definition of marriage. “The Hungarian people are family-orientated, respect traditional values and want to live in peace and security,” Katalin Novàk said. “According to a recent poll, 79% of the Hungarians share the view that we should preserve our Christian heritage, which means that a large majority supports policies that are rooted in Christian culture,” she added. As a result, the country has witnessed abortion…
Playboy equates Christian homeschooling with domestic terrorism, white supremacy, racism and radicalization
Playboy’s reputation for providing intellectually engaging reading material doesn’t rank all that high in the list of influential mainstream media outlets. So it’s easy to not take any activism from the morally questionable publication all that seriously. In early May, however, the publication touted an anti-homeschooling article from Christopher Stroop, a freelance writer who has contributed articles to Playboy and Salon. Stroop seized on recent gun violence in the United States to fire a broadside at white evangelical Americans. In doing so he conflated Christian homeschoolers with domestic terrorism, accusing them of white supremacy, racism and radicalization. Stroop, a self-proclaimed…
Protesters clash with MP: Tolerance of LGBTQ ideology is intolerance of Islam
Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, Jess Philips, has clashed with a Muslim protester outside of a primary school accused of “indoctrinating” Muslim students with LGBTQ ideology. Hundreds of students from the Muslim-majority Anderton Park Primary School reportedly skipped school in protest of the lessons which introduce children to homosexuality, gender identity, and same-sex relationships. Outraged Muslim parents have gathered outside of the school for several weeks to protest the compulsory lessons, claiming they’re “intolerant” of Muslim beliefs. According to Sky News, Ms Philips was invited to the area by the headteacher who wanted to introduce “exclusion zones” to protect children…
Will Labor listen and learn or lurch further left?
Labor’s Chris Bowen told voters, “If you don’t like our policies, don’t vote for us.” It was an applaudable moment of conviction and commitment I’d like to see more often in political contests. Tell the electorate who you are, what you believe in, what you honestly think is worth fighting for, and then let us choose. I asked my Uber driver yesterday if he was happy with the outcomes of the federal election, without telling him anything about me or my views. He offered that he was normally a Labor voter, but was greatly disillusioned by the way they’d “become…
The defiant voice of the discerning voter: Scott Morrison’s LNP shock win and what must happen next
Saturday’s election saw Australians choose freedom and individual responsibility, over surrendering their country to globalist bureaucrats and their inherent totalitarianism. Against all mainstream media predictions which had handed the Labor/Green opposition the 2019 election, the discerning voter – Morrison’s “quiet Australians” – made their voice heard. In many ways, the outcome of the election illustrates that Leftists within the leftwing media are not reporting properly or honestly. They have a narrative and expect people to fall in line with it. This is the way we want you to vote, so “vote as we tell you to vote, or else.” Caldron…
Hell Makes No Sense to a Society That Thinks the Only Sin Is Condemning Sin
“The difficulty that the modern man has in accepting the idea of hell is that we’ve almost entirely given up on the notion of sin.”
Does Bill Shorten’s manipulative attack on Scott Morrison’s faith prove he’s unfit to be Prime Minister?
Bill Shorten’s poorly aimed verbal sucker punch at Scott Morrison draws from the assumption that those who voted “yes” in the LNP’s gay marriage popularity survey are a bankable vote for Labor. This political maneuver was a bad call. It betrays a deep overconfidence in the Labor political machine and underestimates the intellectual capacity of the discerning public. Shorten’s goal was clear. Capitalize on the fearmongering and misrepresentations, which he and Pro-SSM advocates were so keen to employ, instead of engaging in rational, respectful debate. As a servant of that public, he seems to forget that Labor had originally refused…
God is Obvious
Is it obvious that God exists? Richard Dawkins does not think so: ‘The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.’ Sam Harris is of the same ilk: ‘nature offers no compelling evidence for an intelligent designer and countless examples of unintelligent design.’ Yet the Bible regards it as so obvious that from the creation we should know that there is a Creator that it declares that if we do not see this, we are without excuse (Rom.1:20). The…