Fighting Racism With Racial Segregation: Plans For A Blacks Only University
British Vogue Magazine published an article on August 2 promoting the idea of a blacks only university under the heading “anti-racism”. Which just goes to show, socially acceptable racism is very one-sided. If Vogue journalists suggested a whites only university, they would be chased through the streets! The article began: “In the wake of anti-racism protests the world over The Black Lives Matter movement has reignited fresh calls to decolonise higher education. Statues of colonialists on university campuses are set to be removed … but efforts haven’t gone far enough … Plans are underway to establish the UK’s first ever…
Where Was Five-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant’s ‘White Privilege’?
The murder of Cannon Hinnant exposed systemic bias in the mainstream media. The majority of news outlets not reporting the execution-style murder of a five-year-old white boy at the hands of a black neighbour wasn’t a glitch.
Hospitals Are Racist, Says Actress Who Gave Birth at Home
Actress Jodie Turner-Smith gave birth at home rather than in a hospital because of “systemic racism”, according to a report in the New York Post last week.
Equity, Not Equality, Must Be the Goal, the Rule, and the Finality of All Laws
Equity must be the goal, the rule, and the finality of all laws
Anti-Conservative Teachers Don’t Want Parents Knowing What They’re Teaching Children
The disturbing ease and security from which some anti-conservatives operate on social media often help reveal cracks in the Left’s masquerade of sinless benevolence. Overconfident statements, built on the self-righteous belief that the majority shares their views, often leads to unintended consequences. Such forthright statements can take the form of confessions showing just how far to the Left, many anti-conservatives have gone. It’s a form of “Dutch courage.” Where instead of dealing with actions and confessions drawn out by alcoholic inebriation. Actions and confessions are spawned from an intoxicating sense of entitlement to power over others. This was demonstrated by…
Media Ignore Five-Year-Old White Boy Executed By Black Man
What we have here is a vivid demonstration of how the media filters news and events in order to present the world a certain way. They do this to elicit certain responses, to shape how their viewers see the world around them, and ultimately, to attract political gain.
Communism Now A Fashion Accessory: Teen Vogue Says Abolish Private Property
Envy used to be one of the deadly sins. But it is no longer a sin, it’s a virtue. And it’s no longer called envy. It’s now called “social justice”.
Yes, Money Really Does Grow on Trees: ABC Says Australia Can’t Run Out of Money
I used to regularly look forward to watching Alan Kohler’s financial report on the ABC news each evening. But when the global financial crisis hit, I suddenly realised that even he didn’t know what was going on. Fast forward to 2020 and I’m having that strange sense of déjà vu—all over again—as I watch him spruik the benefits of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). While MMT is not without its critics, it has become increasingly fashionable, especially amongst those employed by our national broadcaster. In case you might have missed it, the ABC has produced the following promotional video featuring Kohler…
Dennis Prager Backs Anti-COVID-19 Drug HCQ: “The Left is Weaponizing Medicine”
In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.
Cancel Culture: Forgive and Forget? Not Any More
Without forgiveness, our future looks bleak indeed.
Australia Increases Funding For Research Into ‘Controversial’ Anti-COVID-19 Drug
It might surprise the self-righteous, COVID-1984 surveillance and speech police, that Australia’s Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has been funding research into the “controversial” drug hydroxychloroquine.
Most Australians Believe Police Should Be Able To FINE ‘Conspiracy Theorists,’ Report Says
Nine News’ latest poll has revealed more than half of Australians believe police should be given the power to penalise people for spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories.
Actress Says It’s ‘Offensive and Unjust’ for Able-Bodied Actors to Play Disabled People
Actress Octavia Spencer has said only disabled actors should play disabled people.
Using the COVID-19 Crisis for Political Gain Has Precedent
It’s not baseless to suggest that people with vested political interests are using third party operators to suppress information about an alternative treatment to COVID-19 in order to win an election, “costs be damned”.
‘Smarter White Milk’ Offensive to Smart Black People Says Indigenous Activist
The Indigenous activist who forced Coon Cheese out of Australian fridges now wants Paul’s to stop producing “Smarter White Milk” because it is offensive to Aborigines.
Big Tech Censors Conservatives While Protecting Progressives
It has been observed for quite some time that Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube are censoring conservative content.
WATCH: Jonathan Isaac Explains Why He Didn’t Kneel for BLM or Wear Their Shirt
It takes an enormous amount of courage to go against the crowd.
CNN Erases Women, Opts For: “Individuals With A Cervix”
Individuals with a cervix. Did they mean, like, in a jar?
Why Churches Are an Essential Service
There is a hidden cost to the social isolation being currently enforced in response to COVID-19 and that is the massive spike in suicide.
The Catholic Church Must Resemble AOC If It Is to Survive, Says NCR
A church that can’t preach truth because it might come across as unkind to those not wanting to hear it is a church with nothing to say and nothing to offer beyond “arms are for hugging”.