‘Staggering’ Numbers of People Have Turned To God During the Pandemic, Researchers Say
Numbers of people from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have been reassessing their lives, turning to God, and praying more during the coronavirus pandemic, recent surveys have revealed.
Lockdown Was A ‘Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale’ Says Top Scientist And Government Adviser
“My concern is that far too many people involved in managing this pandemic have in mind that it will somehow burn itself out,” he said. “I don’t expect it to.”
White History Is Racist: BBC Considers Dropping Patriotic Songs From Last Night of the Proms
The BBC is considering dropping two traditional British anthems from its annual celebration of classical music because white history is racist.
WATCH: Victoria Says ‘Coronavirus Death’ Toll Includes People Who Did Not Die From the Virus
The record includes people who died with the virus while in palliative care.
Disney Introduces Bisexual Child as Lead Character in Kids’ Series Where ‘Girl Hangs Out With Witch in Hell’
“We really wanted to make this demon realm feel like home, and just had to figure out how to do it.”
Netflix’s Latest Film Features Sexualized 11-Year-Olds Twerking for a Mature Audience
Despite the outrage, the streaming-service decided it would not remove the film from their library.
Scott Morrison Says Vaccine Will Be ‘As Mandatory As You Can Possibly Make It’
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said once a vaccine for coronavirus has been found, it will be as “mandatory as you can possibly make it.”
Police State: Authorities To Launch Surveillance Drones to Spy On Civilians
Victorian Police are preparing to launch high powered surveillance drones to ensure civilians are complying with the state’s COVID-19 restrictions. The drones will be used to monitor beaches and parks, patrol the border, locate individuals not wearing a mask, and notify authorities if a vehicle has travelled too far from the owner’s residence. Police are preparing to launch their aerial arsenal as part of a crackdown on COVID rule breakers. High powered drones will be used to find people not wearing masks, and cars too far from home. https://t.co/5zYfOfohG3 @tdolling #7NEWS pic.twitter.com/Yy84UBTH0V — 7NEWS Melbourne (@7NewsMelbourne) August 17, 2020 The…
“LGBT Conversion Therapy” Laws Gaining Traction, Could Potentially Turn Parents, Pastors Into Criminals
Last week, Queensland became the first state in the country to ban “conversion therapy,” however, its supporters are already saying the legislation doesn’t go far enough.
Google Writes Open Letter to Australians, Warning Free Services and Your Data “At Risk”
Google has penned an open letter to Australians, warning that the Federal Government’s plan to make tech giants pay for Australian news content will put their free services at risk, along with users’ search data.
Authorities Granted COVID-19 Powers To Forcibly Take Children From Their Homes
South Australian authorities have recently enacted legislation granting police the power to enter homes and remove children in their efforts to quell the spread of coronavirus.
#WrongTrump Trends After President’s Younger Brother Dies
It would appear the far Left have abandoned any remaining efforts to hide the fact that they want their political opponents dead, not that we needed any further proof that these folk are completely and utterly unhinged. The hashtag #WrongTrump is currently trending at second place on Twitter with over 50k tweets, following the news that President Donald Trump’s younger brother died over the weekend. Robert Trump passed away at age 71 on Saturday in a New York Hospital after battling an illness for several months, according to a report from CNN. But rather than demonstrating the smallest ounce of…
New Zealand To Place Everyone With COVID-19 In Mandatory Quarantine Facilities
All confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand will now be sent to mandatory quarantine facilities under the direction of the Health Minister. Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield made the decision yesterday after revealing there were 13 new cases of coronavirus linked to an outbreak in south Auckland. The order relies on Section 70 of the Health Act 1956 which allows health authorities to “require persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals, or things to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected as he thinks fit.” Dr Bloomfield said mandatory quarantine will apply to both new cases, and if necessary, close…
Fact Check: Joe Biden Tweets Blatant Lie About President Trump
Just one day after President Trump tweeted a damning montage of Joe Biden’s racist comments about Black people, the former Vice President took to Twitter to essentially say, “I know you are, I said you are, but what am I?”
Five-Year-Old Boy Shot In The Head At Point Blank Range As He Played With His Sisters
A five-year-old boy in North Carolina has been shot dead at point-blank range while riding his bike in his father’s front yard.
EXCLUSIVE: The Disappearance of Influenza and the Rise of COVID-19
The year 2020 has been dominated by the impact of COVID-19. There has been a surge of COVID-19 cases ever since the virus escaped from Wuhan China early in the year. The response from the government has been to implement a range of policies in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus. A curious, but surprisingly unreported phenomenon is that the influenza cases have dramatically fallen while COVID-19 cases have dramatically risen.
Norwegian Flag Cancelled After Dozens Mistook it for Confederate Flag
Combine forced school closures due to the Chinese Flu with Black Lives Matter protests and you end up with this story …
Councilwoman Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged With Attempted Murder
“In terms of creating a new code or class of criminal offenses, that is a creature of state law,” he said.
Hasbro Forced to Pull Troll Dolls With Inappropriately Placed Button That Makes Suggestive Noises
This is one of those stories that just makes your stomach churn.
Calls to “Abolish History Classes and Remove Current History Books” Because They Lead to White Privilege
“Today, I’m calling for the abolishment of history classes in Illinois. We’re concerned that current school history teachings lead to White Privilege and a racist society,” Ford said.