Pastor jailed for preaching against homosexuality
A pastor in Cape Town has been sentence to 30 days in prison after disregarding court orders barring him from preaching about homosexuality. After making ‘hateful’ remarks in 2014, Rev Oscar Bougardt reached a settlement with the Human Rights Commission, agreeing not to make any further negative comments about the LGBTQ community. I may enter the court room and not come home to my family – my crime, preaching the Bible. However, last week the Equality Court found Bougardt continued to refer to homosexuality as ‘perverted.’ Bougardt also advocated the criminalisation of homosexual practices, reportedly suggesting a 14-year prison term,…
Watch: Shocking footage of gunman taken down by a brave woman
A shocking video, currently circulating on social media, shows a gunman approaching a group of women and children with his firearm drawn. As the man reaches for something off camera, one of the women can be seen pulling a handgun from her bag. The woman appears to shoot the man twice in the body, before taking cover behind a nearby car. The incredible moment can be viewed below. Warning: The video may be distressing for some.
Mark Latham destroys Peter FitzSimons: ‘a one-man, putrid, steaming cesspit of hypocrisy’
Mark Latham slammed Peter FitzSimons on Facebook yesterday, after the Herald columnist took yet another swing at rugby player Israel Folau for expressing Christian beliefs. Israel Folau should: — Peter FitzSimons (@Peter_Fitz) May 9, 2018 “The Red Pirate Peter FitzSimons is a natural-born elite,” wrote Latham. “He lives in an expensive house in an exclusive suburb. He has lots of access to the media. So like all elites, he thinks he has the right to tell other people how to live their lives.” In this Herald article he writes of how “Rugby is an inclusive game”. Then he says Israel…
Watch Jordan B. Peterson on Bill Maher discussing political correctness and free speech
Professor Jordan B. Peterson and Bill Maher discuss the poison of political correctness and the necessary fight for free speech. Language warning. First of all it’s hard to make people safe because life is seriously not safe. The way that you make people resilient is by exposing them to the things that they’re afraid of and that make them uncomfortable, voluntarily, but you use exposure. So, if you over coddle people, if you protect them from everything that’s sharp, you make them dull and stupid and narcissistic, and it’s a really bad idea. You can watch the exchange in the…
New bill could BAN Bibles and Christian books
A New California bill could make it illegal to help anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender confusion. AB 2943 utilizes California’s existing consumer fraud statute to penalize “any practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.” The bill declares, “advertising, offering to engage in, or engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual” as illegal under the state’s consumer fraud law. Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Matt Sharp said: “California AB 2943 makes it…
Teenager guilty of hate crime after posting lyrics on Instagram
A teenager from Liverpool has been found guilty of committing a “hate crime” after posting Snap Dogg lyrics to her Instagram account. Chelsea Russell, 19, posted a line from the song I’m Trippin’ in her biography section to pay tribute to a 13-year-old boy who died after being hit by a car. The lyrics from the US artist read, “kill a snitch n**** and rob a rich n****.” A screenshot of Russell’s account was sent to hate crime unit PC Dominique Walker who told the court the term n**** was “grossly offensive” to her. PC Walker also went on to ask Carole…
Tommy Robinson: ‘What we are seeing is blasphemy laws by the backdoor’
When Tommy Robinson suggested that the Quran contains at least 100 calls to violence, Twitter suspended his account. Permanently. Robinson comments in the video below: What we are seeing is blasphemy laws by the backdoor and they are all complicit. Twitter, our police, our courts, our Prime Minister, our entire government and media. All of them raise one hand in support of freedom of speech while they rip it out from underneath us with the other.
Using your free speech doesn’t make you a champion of free speech
Earlier this week Liberty Victoria awarded Yassmin Abdel-Magied the 2018 Young Voltair Award. In a series of tweets, Abdel-Magied announced, “I won an award for Free Speech y’all. This one is for all those young Muslims and POC [people of colour] in Aus and around the world who know their equality is conditional, but know they need to speak anyway… And for all those who tried to silence me… Eat your hearts out.” This one is for all those young Muslims and POC in Aus and around the world who know their equality is conditional, but know they need to speak…
Watch Jordan B. Peterson on ‘Sunrise’ discussing his opposition to policing language
Jordan B. Peterson has appeared on Australian morning television to discuss his opposition to laws forcing the use of gender-neutral pronouns. The full interview can be viewed here. An excerpt from the interview was shared on Facebook and can be seen below. I suppose there’s nothing wrong with being more inclusive, but there’s plenty wrong with adopting the radical Left’s guidelines for linguistic conduct… It’s these regulations — policing language are part and parcel of a much broader agenda that’s being pushed unbelievably hard. It’s already subsumbed the universities — so, I don’t buy the, “We’re doing this because we’re…
Christian teacher reported to Counter Terrorism as “radicalisation threat” after telling student, “God loves you”
A government-funded pre-apprenticeship academy in Bristol reported a Christian teacher to Counter Terrorism after they deemed her a “radicalisation threat.” Svetlana Powell, a teacher of almost 20 years, was fired for “gross misconduct” after she answered a student’s question about her faith. The incident took place after a disruptive student became argumentative about the tutor’s personal beliefs. Other students soon joined the conversation and began challenging Mrs Powell’s faith on various issues. The student who initially challenged the teacher then asked for her personal views on homosexuality. Mrs Powell responded by stating that she believed homosexuality was against God’s will.…
UK Police admit they use Terrorism Act to detain anyone they want, including critics of Islam
Earlier this week, Canadian born journalist, Lauren Southern, was detained by border police as she attempted to enter the UK. Authorities revealed, the 22 year old, was being held under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. According to the National Council for Civil Liberties, Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, “can be exercised without the need for any grounds of suspecting the person has any involvement in terrorism – or any other criminal activity. This means it can be used against anyone a police, immigration or customs officer chooses.” Like, critics of Islam, for instance. In fact, that’s…
Conservative speakers arrested and banned from entering the UK
Conservative journalist, Lauren Southern, has been denied entry into the UK for criticising Islam during a previous visit. Border police in Calais detained Southern as she attempted to enter on a bus. The official notice of refusal claims Southern was “involved in the distribution of racist material in London.” Authorities deemed Southern “a threat to the fundamental interests of society and to the public policy of the United Kingdom.” Southern was stopped and investigated under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which allows authorities broad and intrusive powers to stop, search and hold individuals “without any ground of suspecting…
Undercover: Twitter staff admit to censoring content
An undercover investigation by Project Veritas has revealed Twitter censors political content they don’t like. In the video below, eight current and former Twitter employees are on camera explaining the steps taken to down rank and even censor right-leaning content. You may even be censored without warning or notification. Former software engineer, Abhinav Vadrevu, explains “shadow banning,” as a means of banning someone without notifying them. “They don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting, but no one sees their content. So the just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is…
Christian couple forced to close business and pay $135,000 to an offended same-sex couple
An Oregon state appeals court has ruled that Aaron and Melissa Klein, former-owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, will have to pay a lesbian couple $135,000 in damages after they refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. The incident took place in January 2013, when Rachel Bowman-Cryer went to the Portland bakery with her mother. After learning the cake was for Rachel and her same-sex partner Laurel, Aaron apologised and said they were not able to make same-sex wedding cakes. Rachel and Laurel filed a formal complaint with the state labor bureau, which found the bakery had violated…
Cartoon From 1948 Warns About the Dangers of Socialism
Make Mine Freedom. The following cartoon is said to be a Cold War propaganda short. The clip, released in 1948, explains how everyone loses under big government, both the rich and the poor. Although the video is almost 70 years old, it seems just as relevant, and maybe even more so, for the West today. When anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the other through class warfare, race hatred, or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us from our freedom and destroy our very lives.
When #EqualityForAll does not include Christian bakers
Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, opens his doors to everyone. “People of all walks of life are always welcome in the store… I serve everybody, I just don’t make cakes for every event,” Phillips has said. Phillips is a Christian, which means he refuses to use his artistry to decorate cakes that endorse a message contrary to his faith and conviction. “There are certain messages that I don’t create,” Phillips states. “I don’t do cakes for Halloween, I don’t do cakes that would promote sexual things, or anti-American things, or things that would disparage other people, including [those] that identify as…
Once again, we told you they wanted more than marriage
Author, Pat Miller, once said, “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” Paula Gerber, Professor of Human Rights Law, at Monash University, has recently stated: “…once the celebrations from Australia achieving marriage equality have subsided, the fight for LGBTI people to live free from discrimination will continue.” So, what does…
Resignation from the Marriage Act
I will mail this letter to the Attorney General on the day that the Governor General signs into law the redefinition of marriage. Dear Senator Brandis, Today, with profound sadness, as the Governor General signs into law the redefinition of the institution of marriage in the Commonwealth Marriage Act, I resign my status as a Minister of Religion registered under the Act, and relinquish my Celebrant’s Number, T2816. I thereby revoke my right to conduct weddings as a recognised agent of the Act, and sever any other official connection to it. I resign for three reasons: 1) The “Commonwealth Marriage…
Real human rights restrain the state, not the people
Back in 2011, Mark Steyn spoke to the Institute of Public Affairs. Steyn’s speech is now more than five years old, but perhaps more relevant today than ever. “Back in 1215, Magna Carta Libertatum couldn’t have made it plainer, real human rights are restraints that the people place upon the king. We understood that eight centuries ago. Today, we’ve entirely perverted and corrupted the principle. We’re undermining real human rights, like freedom of speech, and replacing them with ersatz rights, that rather than restraining the king, give him vastly increased state power to restrain the rights of his subjects. It’s an abomination…
Religious liberty and Australian culture
Roughly 40% of Australians voted No to same-sex marriage and, according to a recent Newspoll, roughly 40% also reject the legitimacy of religious protections for Australians who disagree with same-sex marriage. The debates taking place in Federal parliament regarding religious liberty are culturally significant. The cultural reformation of the 1960s has transformed social views on sex, marriage, family, and, increasingly, gender. And yet clearly not all have gone with the tide. What became increasingly obvious during the same-sex marriage debate and now with the debate over religious protections is that culturally Australia is shifting back to the acrimonious sectarianism that…