Category Archives: Australia

Avi Yemini of TR News has posed seven questions for one of Australia’s most prominent ‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters. According to Yemini: “Nyadol Nyuon is a well-known South-Sudanese refugee, now a lawyer and public speaker. She is living evidence that Australia is a decent and tolerant country. Her own biography proves that. But that’s not stopping her from campaigning against us. There are seven questions the media refuses to ask her because it doesn’t suit their narrative.” WATCH: 

An aunty from northern Queensland rang me recently with great excitement. A politician from the Solomon Islands was funding research into identifying those who had been brought over to Australia historically as slaves. As I already knew, our family was part of that tragic tradition. But when I asked her how she personally felt about our ancestors as having been “blackbirded”, she gave the same answer as my late father had. It didn’t bother her at all! Australia was their country, and both she and my dad simply wanted to make a positive contribution. Indeed, they were deeply grateful for…

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An Australian man has tested positive to coronavirus after attending a Melbourne Black Lives Matter protest over the weekend. Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said the man in his 30s was unlikely to have contracted the virus at the rally, however, he may have been infectious on the day. “I hope that anyone who has attended that [protest], and indeed across Victoria, who develop symptoms that are compatible with coronavirus really need to isolate themselves, get tested, get that result back and become well before they get out and about again,” Sutton said. Although the man was wearing a…

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SATIRE: Since we know that only racists would say they are not racists, it is necessary to prove you are not a racist by acting like you are guilty of racism, even when you feel no actual guilt. Doing this enables you to experience an incredible sense of self-righteousness since, by apologizing for racism, you prove that you are not a racist like those people who refuse to apologize for the racism they are not guilty of; which is itself a form of racism. Racists argue that we don’t have to apologize for racism since Australia is no longer a…

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Over the coming days and weeks, you will be told a lie. In fact, not just one lie, but a series of lies, mistruths and opinions masquerading as fact, pushed by a media circuit that is infatuated with establishing a false narrative to divide us on the basis of skin colour. You will be told that systemic racism exists in modern Australia. You will be told that disparate impact is somehow a facet of systemic racism. And finally, you will be told that these supposed biases manifest themselves in the form of police brutality, incarcerations and deaths in police custody.…

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Forty thousand protesters descended on Melbourne’s CBD over the weekend to take part in the Black Lives Matter rally following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minnesota. Avi Yemini of TR News attended the protest on Saturday where he asked participants why they didn’t hold a similar rally after the murder of Australian woman Justine Damon who was shot dead by a black officer from the same Minnesota police force. WATCH: 

Rowan Dean of Sky News has slammed state authorities after Black Lives Matter protests went ahead in cities across Australia over the weekend in defiance of coronavirus social distancing rules. “Either there is a pandemic or there isn’t,” Dean said. “Either our governments had the right to lock us down or they didn’t. Yesterday the premiers made a mockery of this nation and the loyalty of its people. Of you and of me… “If the pandemic is real then our most vulnerable Indigenous Australians now have a potential death sentence hanging over them. So much for ‘Black Lives Matter.’ Clearly…

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It’s been estimated that about 12,000 people gathered in Sydney on Saturday to take part in the Australian “Black Lives Matter” protest, after a Minnesota police officer in the United States, a country on the other side of the world, caused the death of a black American. Protesters chanted “f**k the police” and “Too many coppers, not enough justice” as they rallied near Town Hall. Anti-police rhetoric has dominated recent “Black Lives Matter” protests, with the abolition of law enforcement and prison high on the list of demands. The Movement 4 Black Lives states first and foremost: “We are Abolitionists:…

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There’s a claim going around that Australian prisons are 82% filled with Indigenous Aussies. That figure is false. The actual number is 28%. According to the most recent ABS figures, 11,849 of 42,974 prisoners are Indigenous. 23,124 (or 53%) are Aussie born Non-Indigenous. The rest are from overseas, totaling 8,001 (18.6%). To make the case to justify a statement such as “Indigenous Australians are over represented in Australian prisons” the figures have to be bling’d out with shock and awe percentages, then wrapped in jargon. Allison Wong, in ‘Build Communities, Not Prisons’ written for activist group ANTaR, illustrated that in…

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IF Black Lives Matter protests go ahead across Australia this weekend, Christian churches must advise authorities, en masse, that they will resume worship services the following weekend. If State Premiers allow thousands of people to march through city streets & gather shoulder-by-shoulder in city squares, there is no good reason places of worship should not reopen. This would have been ill-advised just a week ago, but the national mood has now changed. A week ago, if churches had said they would be opening regardless of lockdown laws, they would have been condemned by the media as irresponsible. But the media,…

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Apparently it is not enough for the Morrison Government to adopt ill-conceived measures that have rendered countless Australian men jobless and thus unable to provide for their family and other loved ones. It is necessary to push also for a radical feminist agenda that utterly demonises men and ignores the plight of male victims of domestic violence. In this sense, a new parliamentary inquiry into domestic violence will give only women a right to have their voices heard. Male victims of domestic violence are explicitly excluded from the terms of reference. The terms of reference are patently clear: only women…

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The New South Wales Government will announce on Friday that restrictions will be eased for churches to allow up to 50 attendees at one time provided congregations adhere to social distancing measures. Weddings will also be permitted to have up to 20 guests, while funerals will be allowed 50 attendees. The move to reopen places of worship was led by MPs Nathaniel Smith, and Guy Zangari who launched a public campaign, while MPs Dom Perrottet, Damien Tudehope, and David Elliot were pushing at cabinet behind the scenes. “Places of worship are not optional extras in the life of practicing Christians…

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Liberal MP Nathaniel Smith has launched a petition urging the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to reopen churches. On Wednesday, the member for Wollondilly called his own government to account after it was announced that by June 1 numerous venues, such as pubs, cafes and restaurants will be allowed up to 50 patrons at one time. Churches, on the other hand, are only permitted a maximum of 10 attendees. “Yesterday I wrote to the Premier requesting that places of worship be included in the 1st of June announcements,” Mr Smith said in a Facebook video announcing the launch of the petition. “Places…

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Bolstered by the apparent reluctance of the Morrison federal government to answer growing concerns over the Victorian government’s secretive ‘belt and road’ deal with the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communist propaganda machine went full Hanoi Hannah, in an attempt to stir up fear of a potential American withdrawal from its long-standing partnership with Australia. In response to what America thought about the deal, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a frequent whipping boy of China’s Global Times, told Sky News that he didn’t know the ‘nature of the projects’, but asserted that the United States will do everything it can…

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The High Court’s unanimous acquittal of Cardinal George Pell, after two previous judicial rulings that failed to acknowledge a reasonable doubt as to the defendant’s guilt, appears to indicate that the administration of justice in Australia has been corrupted by a desire to persecute and punish, not prosecute justly. There has been a strong odour of miscarriage of justice about the whole matter. However, when Cardinal Pell was still awaiting trial, the Australian Prime Minister implied his guilt by making statements about those who ‘abused the shield of faith and religion to hide their crimes shall stand condemned’.[1] Before the…

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Sitting state Labor members defending the Communist Chinese Party, while simultaneously attacking their federal government colleagues is not a good look for Australian Labor. The attacks against Andrew Hastie, George Christensen, and Scott Morrison, reveal a party divided by arrogant far-left factions advancing Australia further into a social, cultural, moral, political and economic abyss. The reason why Labor governments in both Western Australia and Victoria warm to any “kiss and makeup” approach between the Australian and Communist Chinese governments, is because Labor has political capital invested in the relationship. Tapping into China’s flawed totalitarian powerhouse gives them the illusion of…

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In NSW, Pubs and Clubs are now allowed to open for 50 people but churches are still restricted to 10. I guess that’s because having a beer and playing the pokies is an “essential” service, whereas worshipping God and having a cup of tea or coffee with a small group of people is just too dangerous? At least churchgoers don’t need to be breathalysed after they leave! But to comprehend just how ridiculous this particular policy is, let’s put it to a literal pub test: Only 20 people can attend a funeral, or up to 30 if it’s held outdoors.…

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Jackie Trad is one of the most aggressive, personal politicians in the nation, not only behind the scenes and in the halls of power, but also in front of the camera and online. It’s odd then she is now complaining about feeling a little bruised by the gladiatorial nature in which she has played the game of professional politics. In her first interview since resigning from her role as Deputy Premier, Treasurer and many other portfolios of power due to the latest integrity scandal involving her, she seems surprised to explain “her outspoken progressive views – including a successful push to reform abortion…

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THE decision to close the Queensland border to protect citizens from the spread of Covid-19, like many other decisions the State’s Chief Health Officer has made, is just for show. It has nothing to do with protecting Queenslanders and I can tell you this because I travelled across the border and was shocked at how easy it was. But more of that in a moment. The border was closed at the end of March and today State Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that it might not reopen until September. “It’s not my decision, it’s based on the best health advice,” she…

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The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has urged the public to download the government’s COVIDSafe app to make it “easier” for authorities to “track” people and make sure they’re taking care of their health. During a press conference on Thursday, the Victorian Premier said: “If you want to get back to restaurants and cafes and pubs, then download the app. I’ve done it. Everyone on stage here has done it. It makes sense. “It’s just one more tool that’ll make it a little bit easier – never easy – but a little bit easier for our 1,000-strong coronavirus detective squad to…

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