Words Matter
“Words matter. Ideas matter. Ideologies matter.”
The Spirit and Letter of the Law
“Suppress the knowledge of God, and then stand back and see what replaces it.”
If Not God, What? Some New Year Questions
“If not God, how do we know if we are looking at a lie beautifully told, or a truth told in ugliness?”
What Is the Welfare of Our Nation?
“Neglect of understanding where our core values come from is leading to a fracturing. That is because of the mistake in the dominant ‘multiculturalism’ logic. It has not been discerned that values are derived from beliefs, and beliefs reflect in what we put our faith.”
Respectful Dismissal
“Unless of course, Senator Thorpe’s words are meaningless. That seems to be the two options. Either she willingly misrepresented her initial allegiance, or she melodramatically lied to the King.”
Pain Does Not Have to Define Us
“Just because we carry pain, we do not have to be clinically dysfunctional.”
Misplaced Victim Statements?
“If a homeless man, or group of people, had been run over in some way, and there was no one to make a Victim Impact Statement, would their death be considered less serious in some way?”
Can Common Values Hold in Australia?
“Values cannot be held in common if beliefs are too far apart.”
Whither the Heart?
“The idea of a personal centre that is engaged with both our physical and non-physical aspects of life is clearly missing in our professional worlds.”
Religion Helps Young People
“Where our faith lies, there goes our heart. Where our heart is, is our source of ultimate meaning.”
Psychologising Our Souls
“Christian thinkers, and properly modest researchers, have been warning of such reductionism for decades – that is, warning that psychology does not live up to its own hype.”
Believe, Go to Church, Get Married
“When was the last time, in this debate about men and violence, did you hear someone in our current leadership invite us ‘To reflect on the charity and hope that is embedded in our society based on the faith of the Christians’?”
Easter Without Jesus?
“…many of our leaders do not want to admit that they are not in charge, so they minimise the competition – Jesus.”
Improvement Requires Maturity
“Some like to keep these truths out of public discussion, particularly those who want to believe they can be the surrogate saviours of society. They create alarmism and then pretend to rescue the hurting from the pain of their making.”
The Battle for Our Thinking
“Dead matter simply does not seem to be a viable source of how you are thinking…”
To God Through Pain and Music
“What is fascinating, and perhaps not surprising, is that so much of that music comes from his confusion, disorientation, and pain. Is that not often what brings out the creative soul of humanity?”
Faith Transcends Culture
“Unity is foundationally based on understanding who we are before God.”
Sacred Classrooms
“Every classroom is a place of inviting souls to be committed to someone or something. Ideologies underpin all we do – and an ideology is a belief system in which we put our faith.”
Little Candles in a Darkening World
“When societies have God-honouring people within them, they literally become more humane.”
The Battle for Our Souls
“We can see wisdom being traded for influence. Yet without wisdom comes relational chaos, dysfunctional leadership, and evil dressed up to look good.”