The Danger of the Incel Is The Danger Of Polygamy: Part 2
“Sexual promiscuity should be seen as the civilisation destroying force that it is, not just as a lifestyle choice.”
The Danger of the Incel Is The Danger Of Polygamy: Part 1
“But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” (1 Corinthians 7:2)
To The Fence-Sitting Conservative
I want to pen an open letter to many people who are not too far from my side of the yard…
We Rejected God, We Dethroned Our Kings, Is It Any Surprise Western Nations Are Now Losing Their Countries?
Is it a coincidence that after rejecting God, then dismantling the kings, that the western nations are now losing their countries?
The Wicked Decided That The West Needed To Change
How did our Western Culture become what it is today?
Rising Antagonistic White Privilege Rhetoric Could Result In A Repeat Of History’s Worst Horrors
Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the demonization of white people by some progressive groups today (which are dominant in education, media and entertainment, hence controlling most of the public discussion) is reminiscent of the demonization of Jews by the German Nazis, or of the bourgeoisie (middle class) by the Russian communists?
Systemic Racism? Why Not Systemic Sexism Too? If Overrepresentation Is Evidence of Oppression, Then Men Are Oppressed the Most
Often Sun Tzu is quoted as having said, “know your enemy”, but he actually said this: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.[1] This is very good advice. Know your adversary and you have a better chance of being victorious. But you also need to know yourself, you need to know your limitations, your capabilities, your resources,…
No, We Don’t Want People To Die
This COVID situation has been a wakeup call in many ways. It has taught us that people will give in to fear, very quickly. It has taught us that our freedoms are as fragile as precious Ming dynasty China in a Spanish Bull parade. And it has taught us that many Australians are quick to think the worst of their fellow Australians who question government overreach. You see, after being accused of wanting people to die, several times, for questioning our government’s COVID response, this really made me think. This is powerful rhetoric. After all, only bad people want people…
To App or Not to App? That is Not the Real Question
The government’s contact tracing app is finally here. As part of Scott Morrison’s plan to allow us back our God-given right of liberty, the government would like you, and everyone you know, or at least 40% of you, to put this tracing app on your phones. Will you do it? Well, that is up to you. The government has promised that unlike overseas versions of similar apps, used in places like South Korea and elsewhere, that this app will not use geo-location. They will only upload the data if you have tested positive for Covid-19, and this data will only…
What Does the Bible Say About Equality?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” – US Declaration of Independence I have been intending to write a series of serious articles on the topic of equality for some time now. A few things held me back. 1) I wanted to read some top scholars on the subject first. 2) I have shared many of my thoughts in various forums at different times with people, seeking to sharpen my thoughts on this subject. 3) I have read some other posts written by other people on this topic, and frankly, I considered their efforts…
No, Everyone Isn’t Equal, We Have To Stop Lying
If you have opened a newspaper (do people still buy those??), or gone online and read various news websites, or spent time on the sewage dump called Twitter, or follow your friends and their thoughts on Facebook, then you have seen various different articles, blogs, posts, memes and more about equality. Gender equality, class equality, racial equality, pay equality, sex equality, and more and more and more. Equality is the cause of the moment. It’s everywhere. Indeed our modern world is obsessed with equality. But did you know the Nazis were too? For example, Van Creveld (2015, Chapter 11) tells…
Abortion Advocates: The Would-Be Heroes Who Are Actually Villains
There are those amongst us who present themselves as heroes, often view themselves as heroes, and expect others to account them as heroes. Movies are made about these people. News articles talk about them as if they were the great liberators of the modern age. Actors and Actresses in Hollywood lionize these people. Who are they really though? They are the intersectional “heroes”. Tearers-down of power structures and they are obsessed with power politics. What do I mean by this? Intersectional thought is a realm of discourse that deals with people’s intersecting identities and ranks people’s access to power and…
Have Babies While The Plague Is Raging
I want to address the black-pillers out there, and not just the black-pillers but those who have friends, or family or people in their lives who are black-pillers. The Western world is assailed on all sides. Not only has Christendom failed to maintain its glory, but we have also imported all the pagan ideologies which enslaved the peoples of the rest of the world. We converted the Vikings, we made devil worshippers and human sacrificing heathen, who raped and pillaged the coastlines of Europe into the builders of the great northern European churches and castles. We did a lot of…
The West did not invent the African slave trade
You will often, particularly online, hear people say something like this; the African slave trade was a ‘racist, white, patriarchal colonialist institution’, it was the white man’s hatred of the black man that fuelled the slave trade. Now, putting aside the fact that the word ‘slave’ developed from ‘Slav’, the white eastern Europeans who were taken as slaves so often their names became synonymous with the institution of slavery in Europe, this idea that the African slave trade was a ‘white, patriarchal, colonial institution’ is both ahistorical and ridiculous. Did Colonialists engage in it? Yes. Did racists engage in it?…
Love: I do not think it means what you think it means
Those of you who were correctly raised will remember watching the Princess Bride (if truly correctly then many times), a movie that despite all of its ridiculousness is one of the most classic fantasy love tales ever told. You may also recall how Vizzini the scheming kidnapper keeps describing situations involving the witty hero Westley that is happening before his eyes as ‘inconceivable’. Eventually, the honourable and loveable Inigo Montoya eventually says ‘You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.’ Ah, how classic, such a fun movie, but oh what a great…
Middle-Class Christianity vs Christianity
A lot of what is called Christian morality today is not necessarily Christian, but more accurately described as Middle-Class Christianity. It is the Christianity influenced by the Victorian era politeness and the rather quiet indoor working spaces of many Christians, who tend heavily towards the middle class. Here are examples of the difference: Middle-Class Christianity: Don’t be harsh and use mean words to those who come to you, especially if they are in need. Christianity: Jesus said to the Syrophoenician woman: You don’t give the children’s food to the dogs (Matt 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30). Middle-Class Christianity: It is wrong to even insult those…
The Greta Thunbergs of this world are dangerous because world leaders are foolish enough to be led by children
Social media and the news media have been awash over the last couple of weeks with Greta Thunberg, the young, self-proclaimed mentally ill, Swedish teenager who has been given a platform to stare down, berate, challenge, and otherwise scold the leaders of the world. A lot has been said about this girl, about her handlers, about how she is being used to try and guilt so-called “climate-deniers” into refusing to challenge her. Though from everything I have seen, she has had the exact opposite effect than what was intended. Most of what I have seen online have this girl memefied…
Beware of secularists and atheists who appeal to separation of church and state
When you hear secularist or atheist progressives in the media and academia appeal to separation of church and state to deny the church’s role in politics do not fall for their arguments or believe their lies. They don’t believe in the separation of church and state, because they can’t. It’s a fundamentally Christian doctrine. Secularists and atheists do not believe that God ordained the state and the church to be vitally important spheres of power within different aspects of peoples lives (spiritual and civil), because they deny Jesus Christ is Lord and they hate or are indifferent to the church.…
Did Jesus reserve his harshest criticism for the religious?
Often we hear like-for-like comparisons made between church leaders and the Pharisees. People might say something such as, ‘Jesus reserved his harshest criticisms for the religious leaders.’ A famous passage where Jesus seemingly does this is Matthew 23:2-4, 17, 27, 33, where he refers to the Pharisees as lazy, hypocritical, whitewashed tombs, snakes vipers, and children of hell. I could give a rundown of the modern-day equivalents of these insults, but I want to keep my job as a pastor. Suffice to say, Jesus hammered the Pharisees with enough invective that we can fairly accurately declare that he didn’t like…
The Good News You Are Rarely, If Ever, Told
There is an aspect of the gospel that you don’t hear about very often anymore. If you speak to any Christian they will tell you that the gospel is good news, indeed Gospel means good news. Many Christians will be able to tell you what the good news contains – that it is the message that God has saved sinners. Paul tells us this very clearly in 1 Corinthians 15 for example. Romans 10 also expresses a similar thought, as do many other passages. The good news that people recognize is that Jesus died on the cross, paid the penalty…