True Christianity Fosters Nationalism
“While immature and seriously uninformed Christians today argue online that Christianity has no connection to nationalism, missionaries of the past were leaps and bounds ahead of them in fostering nationalism as a direct result of their Gospel preaching.”
Feminism is Wearing Women Out
“How could women not burn out in a culture that expects them to be both nurturers and providers at the same time?”
The Agreement That Robbed Our Country
You were robbed.
Why Christian Nationalism Beats Conservatism
“If we want to change society for good we need a compelling vision. Only Christian Nationalism gives a compelling answer to modern progressivism and its relentless pursuit of Marxist goals.”
Social Media Ban: How Parental Neglect Invites Government Control
“Australian parents have begged the state to provide, teach and train their kids more and more over the years, and therefore the state has become managed by those who were effectively raised by it and are simply paying that forward.”
Will Trump Stop World War 3?
“Even if Trump is successfully elected, and successfully works out a deal with Putin, will this really put an end to the threat of an escalating war?”
Who is the “New Covenant” For?
Does the New Testament assert that all Christians, irrespective of ethnicity, belong to the true Israel and are therefore recipients of God’s promises?
The Myth of the Unconditional Covenant
“The land was never a conditional blood and flesh promise for the physical descendants of Abraham, it was always a conditional promise contingent on faith evidenced in living as God told his people to live. Which is why disobedience and lack of faith led to exile.”
Progressive Christians Don’t Treat the Foreigner Biblically
“They say that to oppress the sojourner is to turn them away from settling in your land, but according to the law, first and foremost, to oppress the sojourner is to keep them in your land for cheap or free labour.”
Don’t Be Quick To War: The Tale of Melibeus
“It is rather sad to see so many otherwise serious and good thinkers being manipulated so easily into throwing their support behind our nation funding a war here, there, or somewhere else, because of news reports that are designed to provoke them.”
Where Does The Modern Self-Love Obsession Come From?
“Modern psychology has retrained many preachers to think like life coaches and NRL coaches, not preachers and pastors.”
Equality Undermines Life
“In real terms, the foundation of human value in equality does nothing to protect the absolute weakest members of the human race, because the equations clearly bear out the fact that equality is nonsense and cannot exist.”
The West’s Drug-Induced Nightmare Is Building
“A society given to increasing drug use will reap a whirlwind of destruction in its wake.”
The Harms of “Psychology”
“Psychology is an entire profession designed to palm off responsibility to some other source and exculpate yourself from being the main problem in your life.”
How to Bless Abraham, Biblically
“Nations are meant to be focused on their own affairs, not the affairs of other nations…”
Anglophobia: Accusations of No Culture
“No culture has advanced so much of the world in so many ways, in recent history, like the Anglo-Saxon culture.”
Why America Will Fall
“The American Empire is no longer led by the sons of the revolution, but by a collection of foreign peoples from all over the world… They have been overcome by the world they sought to overcome.”
Why China and Others Are Winning
“China has won many wars without firing a shot, simply by placing so much emphasis on production.”
How Empires Go Broke
“The dominance in trade the US once had is now quickly fading.  Without this dominance, it will not be able to continue to replenish itself and rearm itself like it has in the past.”
Was Jesus a Hate Preacher?
“Taking some of the harder things a preacher like Mari says and not putting it alongside the whole work of the man, his gracious addressing of those he disagrees with, his loving actions to the community, and much more, is incredibly unjust. But it fits in with what Jesus and Peter told us we should expect to see happen to Christian preachers in this world…”