Can We Remain Neutral in These Crucial Areas?
“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, not the tormented.”
‘Conveyor Belts’ of Fake Conversions and Immigration Scams
“Borders and immigration laws exist for a good reason. Doing all we can to circumvent them, even if we think we are doing God a favour, helps no one.”
Global Governance Is a Threat That Must Be Resisted
“…since the nation state has proved to be a stable foundation of democratic government and secular jurisdiction, we ought to improve it, to adjust it, even to dilute it, but not to throw it away.”
We Must Be Aware of Yuval Noah Harari’s Brave New World
“His views of the future and how we can survive are not based on a belief in a good God working out his purposes but on the worldview of transhumanism.”
Believe in Who?
“Over time so many once-great Christian institutions are now just institutions. Some of them still give at least nominal recognition to their Christian past, but they often seem to be doing their best to play it down or ignore it altogether.”
Where Have All the Angry New Atheists Gone?
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.”
Final and Full Divine Justice Is on Its Way
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”
Sometimes They Must Be Named and Shamed
“Private sin, private rebuke; public sin, public rebuke.”
Calvin, Culture and Common Grace
“Wherever we find the true, the good, or the beautiful, we can applaud it.”
‘I Was Wrong,’ Says Naomi Wolf
“Without accountability, and truth and reconciliation commissions, and terrible, commensurate levels of justice served to suit the crimes committed, as South Africa, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Germany have all learned to their cost, there is nothing at all to ensure that the exact same crimes won’t be committed again.”
Merchants of Death: Global Oligarchs and Their War On Humanity
“…the COVID-19 pandemic has conveniently facilitated an authoritarian decision-making environment and created an unsustainable welfare state while crushing the independent sectors of the global economy.”
Widespread Biblical and Historical Illiteracy Is on the Increase
“…kids may know next to nothing about the Gospel of Mark, but will know plenty about the gospel of Marx.”
An International “Sorry Day” Is Needed for What We Endured Over the Past Few Years
“Such an apology – and compensation to boot – seems long overdue.”
Theology Must Never Be Separated From Doxology
“People in earlier times used to boast that theology was the queen of the sciences.”
Worldviews and the Building of Cathedrals – And Civilisations
“People in old times had convictions; we moderns only have opinions. It needs more than an opinion to erect a Gothic cathedral.”
Anti-Christian Bigotry: History Repeating Itself
“Europe today is almost as pagan as it was back when Saul was head-hunting believers.”
Are We Seeing Some Major Christian Conversions Here?
Two potential conversions to Christianity have many people talking.
More Good News on the Weekend’s Dual Victories
“The majority of Australians told the government and the activists to take their Voice and shove it. They have had a gutful of these arrogant, power-hungry elites telling them what to do.”
Two Great Victories Down Under
It is nice to get some wins now and then.
Yes, We Must Discern and We Must Judge
“How many times have you heard it said that we must never judge?”