Lockdowns Are Causing An “International Epidemic in Child Suicide”
“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”
Children As Young As Five At Risk of Suicide And Self-Harm Amid Excessive Lockdowns
Kids Helpline revealed calls have soared during the pandemic, and the demand has continued throughout 2021.
Suicide Rates Continue to Climb. What Are Current Support and Awareness Programs Missing?
What are the causes and the underlying societal issues? What are we not addressing in the way we approach both community and the individual?
STUDY: Suicidal teens say Netflix’s ‘13 Reasons Why’ heightened their risk of suicide.
Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why has been one of the most controversial television series to date. Many young viewers praised the show, claiming it gave an honest perspective and raised awareness on what life was really like for teenagers. On the other hand, many parents, teachers and medical professionals have approached the show with caution, warning that it romanticises suicide and risks increasing the likelihood of ‘copycats’ among teens. In light of the controversy surrounding the program, a group of psychiatric doctors from Michigan Medicine recently conducted a study on youths presented to a psychiatric emergency department (ED) with suicide-related concerns…