Tag Archives: Persecution

A retired Christian school teacher was gang-raped and tortured for nine hours before being stoned to death by the Islamic militant group that kidnapped her from her home in Idlib, Syria earlier this month. Suzan Der Kirkour’s body was found by a church friend the day after she went missing from her home in the mainly-Christian village of Al-Yacoubia, the Barnabas Fund reported. A Christian leader from the area told the Barnabas Fund, attacks against Christians, mainly Christian women and girls, are frequent, but this one, in particular, has shocked the community. Suzan was an unmarried lady and a respected…

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Muslim jihadists in Mali have slaughtered over 100 Christians and wiped out an entire village in the nation’s worst massacre in over 70-years. A contact told the Barnabas Fund: “the jihadists encircled the isolated village of ethnic Dogon people at night and set fire to everything that moved in a well-targeted attack.” According to a BBC report, one survivor told the AFP agency: “About 50 heavily armed men arrived on motorbikes and pickups. They first surrounded the village and then attacked – anyone who tried to escape was killed.” “No one was spared — women, children, elderly people,” he added.…

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Anti-Christian persecution is spreading geographically and increasing in severity, a report commissioned by the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt revealed. According to the findings, Christians are the most widely persecuted religion in the world. In some regions, persecution is so severe, that it’s arguably coming “close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the UN.” In some parts of the Middle East, Christians are facing the possibility of extinction. The number of Christians in Palestine is now below 1.5 percent. The number of Christians in Syria has declined from 1.7 million in 2011 to below 450,000,…

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On Sunday a group of about 20 to 30 militant Muslims opened fire in a small church in Burkina Faso, murdering six Christians, including a priest and church elders. “Towards 9:00 am, during mass, armed individuals burst into the Catholic church,” Dablo mayor Ousmane Zongo told AFP. “They started firing as the congregation tried to flee.” “They killed five of them. The priest who was celebrating mass was also killed,” he said. The attackers then set fire to the church, burning it to the ground, before setting fire to several nearby shops and a small cafe. A local health centre…

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This week, Canadian, M.P. and Conservative, Candice Bergen (not to be confused with the American actress of the same name), took the opportunity to make a public statement on behalf of Christians. In direct contrast to the vicious ambiguity employed by leading Democrats in the United States, who referred to the victims of the Easter Sunday suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, as “Easter Worshippers”, Bergen spoke plainly. The Canadian Conservative M.P. acknowledged that the perpetrators of the attacks were Islamic extremists who had deliberately targeted the Christian community in Sri Lanka. Addressing the Canadian parliament, Bergen urged the West to…

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Christian persecution is worse today than at any time in history, according to a study released by Catholic organization Aid to the Church in Need. “Not only are Christians more persecuted than any other faith group, but ever-increasing numbers are experiencing the very worst forms of persecution,” the report said. In fact, the persecution is so severe that in many cases “genocide and other crimes against humanity now mean that the Church in core countries and regions faces the possibility of imminent wipe-out.” The report reviewed 13 countries and found that in all but one, the situation for Christians was…

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