When we shouldn’t feed the hungry: The goal of welfare should never be to make poverty more comfortable
Sometimes it’s unloving to feed the hungry. That might sound odd considering everything the Bible has to say about taking care of the poor. But there is a time when feeding hungry people can actually do them harm. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, the Apostle Paul said, “if anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” We eat to satisfy our hunger, but Paul wants certain people to remain hungry, namely, those who are not willing to work. This is because Paul knows that when you feed a man who is unwilling to work, you kill his God-given motivation…
Would You Rather Kneel Before the State or Have the State Kneel Before King Jesus?
All societies are theocratic. All of them! The only thing that distinguishes them is how the reigning ‘theos’ or ‘god’ of each society is defined. In a lecture delivered at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, Doug Wilson explained that the reigning theos of any society can be identified by locating that society’s highest authority. The highest authority is the point at which no further appeals can be made. A Christian society recognises the highest authority as Jesus Christ. That is what Christians mean when we say Jesus is Lord or Jesus is King. Jesus is the supreme authority…
The Glaring Ethical Blind Spot for the Progressive Left
A seemingly sacrosanct truth within prosperous western democracies is the need for a state-based antidote to corporate greed and avarice. Otherwise, we are unable to provide for those left behind by the machinations of supply and demand economics. It is argued that when left unchecked, markets become oligarchic or monopolistic, leaving the consumer and citizen with no power and unaffordable prices. It is the role of the government to thus ensure that these market failures, which in mainstream media take on a Machiavellian complexion, are resisted and expelled through legislation and bureaucracy. The problem does not dissipate however when the…