569 search results for "covid-19"

Australia Council for the Arts has rescinded public funding for Melbourne Artist, Casey Jenkins after it was revealed that Jenkins planned to use the funding for a ‘performance art project where she would inseminate (impregnate) herself with donated semen live on social media.’

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How Mike Pence conducted himself in the recent vice-presidential debate with Kamala Harris has reaffirmed my confidence in Western democracy.

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Thousands of scientists and health experts have warned about the devastating impacts COVID-19 lockdown policies are having on people’s physical and mental health. The Great Barrington Declaration, which has been signed by almost 6,000 scientists and medical experts around the world, along with close to 11,000 medical practitioners, warns that the “current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.” According to the declaration, the results include “lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class…

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A new bill has been introduced in federal parliament that would give civil and criminal immunity to foreign military forces and police operating in Australia during a natural disaster or emergency, such as bushfires and the C0VID-19 pandemic.

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I’ve noticed something, and I’m sure you have too. We’re facing a time of major cultural upheaval across the Western world.

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We were behind the eight-ball from day one, while “fact-checkers,” and Leftists dismissed us as right-wing conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation.

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Those detained could then be placed in quarantine facilities, such as hotels, where they can be monitored by authorities.

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As the world races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, a number of Archbishops in Australia have been calling for caution.

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We MUST learn from history here. These diabolical lockdowns are causing incalculable damage, death and destruction.

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Since March 2020 Australia’s governments, both federal and state, are using their powers to excessively coerce, obstruct or otherwise unreasonably interfere with the life, liberty and property of the citizen.

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A mother has allegedly been threatened with arrest and a flight cancelled after authorities attempted to force a “hysterical” 19-month-old baby to wear a mask on a WestJet flight.

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Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs.

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Democrats in California have reopened salons a day after video of Democrat speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi sucker-punched voters, in lockdown since March.

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Health Minister Greg Hunt, and Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coastworth have made statements that appear to contradict the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.

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Numbers of people from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have been reassessing their lives, turning to God, and praying more during the coronavirus pandemic, recent surveys have revealed.

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“My concern is that far too many people involved in managing this pandemic have in mind that it will somehow burn itself out,” he said. “I don’t expect it to.”

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The record includes people who died with the virus while in palliative care.

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What should we make of Morrison’s push for compulsory vaccines? Let me begin with some words of encouragement. The rather reckless talk of mandatory vaccines that Scott Morrison was pushing Wednesday morning received such a huge public backlash that by the afternoon he had to do a major backtrack and basically say. ‘Oh, I did not really mean it would be mandatory’. Never stop speaking out – your voice matters. He had said that he wanted at least 95 per cent of Australians to take the vaccine, and he also said on 3AW radio that he would like the vaccine…

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It is time for them to tell their Prime Minister that enough is enough.

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said once a vaccine for coronavirus has been found, it will be as “mandatory as you can possibly make it.”

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