No opting-out: Graphic LGBTQ Sex Ed lessons for school children
According to Life Site News, California is set to implement new sex education lessons which help promote abortion, transgenderism and homosexuality to children. While parents were previously given the option to remove their children from such lessons, one school district has told parents they will not be granted the choice. In a memo to the Orange County Board of Education, OC Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart said the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instructions, material, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not…
Tucker Carlson on America’s response to Syria
Carlson asks: With Assad gone, who would run it? Do we have another strongman to install? Or is our hope that a stable democracy will magically appear in the wake of civil war? And who exactly are these “moderate rebels” you hear so much about, the ones we’re supporting? The city where the chemical attack just occurred is mostly controlled by the Army of Islam, a radical group that has called for establishing an Islamic state under sharia law in Syria. We’re supposed to wage a new war on their behalf? Why?
Should a Christian have to renounce his faith in order to hold office?
“Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion?” Mike Pompeo was asked that question yesterday by US Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey. The question was posed to the CIA director during a confirmation hearing for his nomination to become Secretary of State. So, you do not believe it’s appropriate for two gay people to marry?… Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion? Yes or no? Yes or no, sir? Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion, because that’s what you said here in one of your speeches. Yes or no, do you believe gay…
Deported! US border authorities to Yassmin Abdel-Magied: ‘We’re sending you back!’
When Yassmin Abdel-Magied landed in the United States, it took US border authorities just a few minutes to examine her case before announcing, “We’re sending you back!” Abdel-Magied was set to speak at a New York event titled, ‘The M Word: No Country for Young Muslim Women.’ The event is part of the PEN America World Voices Festival. Thankfully for us, Abdel-Magied live tweeted the whole experience… Enjoy, and God bless the USA. ** if they will let me in. I’m currently at the border and they’ve said I’m being deported. This should be fun. What are my rights ?…
President Trump’s Easter Message
In contrast to Google, who refused to acknowledge Easter, US President Donald Trump offered quite an impressive message. Well said, Mr President. For Christians, we remember the suffering and death of God’s only Son and his glorious resurrection on the third day. On Easter Sunday we proclaim with joy, Christ is risen… In America, we look to the light of God to guide our steps. We trust in the power of the Almighty for wisdom and strength. And we praise our Heavenly Father for the blessings of freedom and the gift of eternal life.
Awkward exchange between Parkland survivor and Alberta government employee
It started with Max Fawcett, from the Alberta Climate Change Office, praising David Hoggs’ boycott of Laura Ingraham. A couple of days later, Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv tweeted about boycotting Hulu, one of the companies to pull their support of Ingraham. Fawcett responded by calling Kashuv a “fragile,” “cuckservative.” So apparently, you can mess with some Parkland kids… When it was pointed out that Kashuv was also a Parkland survivor, Fawcett played ignorant, claiming to not have known. In an attempt to backpedal, Fawcett welcomed Kashuv to boycott “any darn thing he likes.” But rather than apologize to the student…
Students to be armed… with rocks
Forget arming well-trained teachers. Superintendent Dr David Helsel has told lawmakers in Harrisburg that his students will be armed with rocks in an attempt to protect themselves against potential school shooters. Dr Helsel testified to the House Education Committee earlier this month, stating: Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stones. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any classroom, they will face a classroom full of students armed with rocks and they will be stoned. Todd Friel from Wretched Radio comments below:
Tucker Carlson: Shocking statistics about men
You hear a lot in America about the “war on women,” but it’s men in America who are failing. We have some shocking statistics: The signs are everywhere. If you’re a middle aged man, you probably know a peer who has killed himself in recent years. At least one. If you’re a parent, you may have noticed that your daughter’s friends seem a little more on the ball than your son’s. They get better grades. They smoke less weed. They go to more prestigious colleges. If you’re an employer, you may have noticed that your female employees show up on…
Has Donald Trump just proposed the best solution to school shootings?
President Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to put forward, what some believe, could be the most realistic solution to mass shootings in U.S. schools. So what do you think? Is this the best solution or is there a better one? I never said “give teachers guns” like was stated on Fake News @CNN & @NBC. What I said was to look at the possibility of giving “concealed guns to gun adept teachers with military or special training experience – only the best. 20% of teachers, a lot, would now be able to — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 22,…
What you need to know about Planned Parenthood
Is it true that abortion makes up only 3% of the services Planned Parenthood provides? What does Planned Parenthood really do? What do they stand for? Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, explains: It calls itself Planned Parenthood, and the deception begins right there. Planned Parenthood doesn’t help people plan for parenthood; it helps people escape it… Abortion, not women’s health, is Planned Parenthood’s reason for being. Planned Parenthood performs a third of all abortions in America, that’s over 321,000 abortions each year, 800 abortions per day, an abortion every 98 seconds. As Rose points out, “that’s the equivalent…
Is gun control a kind of class warfare? Tucker Carlson thinks so
Tucker Carlson does not believe guns are the reason for mass shootings in America. In a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, he stated: “The percentage of American households with firearms has dropped dramatically over the past 35 years, meanwhile, the number of mass shootings has risen. If you’re over 40, you did not grow up in a country like this. So the question is, what happened? It could be a lot of things…” According to Carlson, possible contributing factors include: More Americans are taking psychiatric medications; Life online causes alienation and depression; The collapse of the nuclear family – “fatherlessness is one…
Should The U.S. Adopt Australia’s Gun Laws? Here’s Why That Would Never Work
James Barrett at the Daily Wire writes: There are over 300 million firearms in the U.S. To implement the ‘buyback’ program on the same scale in America would require the forced confiscation of 60 to 100 million guns from tens of millions of Americans. So, would tens of millions of gun-owning Americans, many of whom specifically own those guns for self-defense — including, if not particularly, self-defense against a tyrannical state — voluntarily hand over those guns to a government they believed was violating their constitutionally enshrined rights? Not a chance. What would inevitably have to happen is a militarized…
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