Lockdowns Likely Caused ‘More Harm Than Benefit’: New Study Suggests We Were Right, Yet Again
“Research revealed significant increases in mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, as well as spikes in domestic violence, drug overdoses, and child abuse.”
Climate Lockdowns Are Now Following on From COVID Lockdowns
“As climate change and global conflict cause shocks and stresses at faster intervals and increasing severity, the 15-minute city will become even more critical.”
Johns Hopkins Study Shows Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good
“Lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality to 0.2% on average.”
New Study Reveals COVID Lockdowns Will Cost More Lives Than They Save
The study found that lockdowns have only marginally reduced COVID-19 deaths, but come with enormous long-term costs that far outweigh their benefits.
The Bible Can’t Be Used to Justify Draconian Lockdowns
“One of the massive blunders has been the hardcore and over-the-top lockdown measures. They have actually caused more harm than good, and many reports and studies have shown just how damaging and counterproductive they have been.”
Here’s a List of the Published Side Effects of Lockdowns
What’s the cost of endless lockdowns? Here’s a list of some of the published side effects.
Obama Puts on a 475+ A-List Birthday Bash While Biden Calls for Lockdowns
The Obamas are making a stand. Let’s support them in their resistance!
Lockdowns Are Causing An “International Epidemic in Child Suicide”
“Doctors elsewhere report similar surges, with children — some as young as 8 — deliberately running into traffic, overdosing on pills and otherwise self-harming.”
“No More Lockdowns”: THOUSANDS of Australians Rally for Freedom in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane
“I’ve covered most lockdown protests in Melbourne and this was the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” Avi Yemini of Rebel News told Caldron Pool.
How Lockdowns Promote Gnosticism in Our Churches
“In our attempts to save the body, we are sacrificing our souls… At the cost of preserving the soul, we are seeking to preserve the body.”
Children As Young As Five At Risk of Suicide And Self-Harm Amid Excessive Lockdowns
Kids Helpline revealed calls have soared during the pandemic, and the demand has continued throughout 2021.
Doctors vs The State: Excessive Lockdowns are Political, Not Medicinal
“The government saying that potentially life-saving counter-COVID treatments can hurt us while shoving an untested vaccine down our throats doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”
“Reprehensible, Pathetic”: Court Says Government Will Not Have to Justify Lockdowns At Pastor James Coates Trial
“For the Alberta Government to request that it not be required to provide evidence on May 3 in support of Dr Hinshaw’s Orders, while at the same time barricading the church, is both reprehensible and pathetic,” lawyer John Carpay said.
What Agenda? World Economic Forum Deletes Tweet Claiming “Lockdowns Are Quietly Improving Cities Around the World”
The World Economic Forum has deleted a tweet claiming lockdowns are “quietly” achieving the climate change agenda by reducing air pollution and carbon emissions around the world.
Questioning Lockdowns BECAUSE of the Science
Behind every number is a person, a real person, being affected in real ways.
Lockdowns, Tyranny, and the Empty Promises of World Leaders
Rather than confronting the CCP for its deceitful and malicious practices both domestically and abroad, mainstream media outlets, celebrities, and politicians in the West have repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as the archnemesis of international relations.
Experts Near-Unanimous: Lockdowns Are Counterproductive, Must Be Stopped
As more and more experts tell us that draconian lockdown measures are causing far more harm than good, we still have various political leaders digging in even further, telling us we must keep these measures in place.
The Case Against Lockdowns (and Police States)
We MUST learn from history here. These diabolical lockdowns are causing incalculable damage, death and destruction.
Exclusive: Dr Jereth Kok’s Tribunal Transcript and the Implications for Free Speech and Religious Freedom in Medicine
“If the scientific community isn’t watching Dr. Jereth Kok’s case closely, it should be.”
FBI Forced to Backtrack: Gab Account Suggests Trump Shooter Was Biden Supporter
“Torba’s revelations go against Democrat and legacy media assumptions that the shooter was right-wing.”