Opponents of Critical Race Theory Are “Grooming Children to Be Racists,” Says “Anti-racist” Ibram X. Kendi
Kendi asserted, the real groomers weren’t gay ‘child predators,’ they were ‘white supremacists.’
Banned From National Curriculum: Australian Senate Rejects Critical Race Theory
“One Nation is at the forefront of the fight to ensure the children of Australia receive an education, not an indoctrination,” Senator Hanson said.
Critical Race Theory Is Culturally Accepted Racism
CRT is “a worldview based on vindictive and prejudiced principles that are subjective and changeable depending upon what direction the winds of white supremacy and black oppression happen to be blowing.”
A Commonsense Guide to Critical Race Theory
You’ve almost certainly encountered Critical Race Theory over the last year, even if those words aren’t familiar.
UK Equalities Minister says “NO” to BLM and Critical Race Theory
Kemi Badenoch, Conservative MP from the U.K just put words to what many think privately, yet feel powerless to say publicly.
President Trump vs Cultural Marxism: ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ Training Banned
President Trump recently took the courageous step of banning the use of ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ training for all U.S. federal agencies.
“It’s No Longer a Theory, It’s Reality”: Speech Goes Viral With Over 30 Million Views in Just 24 Hours
“The world is clearly ready for this conversation…”
Aboriginal Sunday – How to Detoxify Australia
“It’s very helpful to understand that Aboriginal Sunday was first suggested decades before divisive movements like identity politics, wokeism, BLM, and critical race theory, and to remember that it was a Christian man who suggested it.”
Woke White House Abused Power When Labelling Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists,’ Report Finds
“Targeting those concerned about Woke school boards pushing Critical Race Theory, and LGBTism falsehoods onto their kids, Garland repeatedly referred to concerned mums and dads as ‘threats.’”
The War on Terror Is Coming Home and Ordinary Americans Are Being Pushed Into Its Line of Fire
Biden’s administration is adding the Intersectional handbook for Critical Race Theory to how it fights the “war on terror.”
Racist Tender Stopped After Senator Confronts Australian Human Rights Commission
Racism, Stoker said, ‘is completely unacceptable in modern Australia, but ideas like Critical Race Theory, only lead to greater racial division.’
Woke Gay ‘Pastor’ Says Jesus Repented Of His Racism After Using Racial Slur
Robertson’s claims not only demonstrate the dangers of reading the Bible through the lens of Critical Race Theory, but they also show the importance of reading the Bible in context.
Five Things Jesus Was Not
Democrats have gone so far to appeal to the person of Jesus as the standard for their policies, whether it be on immigration, socialism, climate change, abortion, or critical race theory.
Ten Problems with Being ‘Woke’
2020 has been an incredibly difficult year. But of deeper concern, than even COVID-19, is the growing threat that Critical Race Theory—popularly expressed as being ‘woke’—has had upon much of Western society.
“Top-Down Christianity”: Critics of Christian Nationalism Have Spent Decades Compromising to Woo the Elite
“While these sorts claim to be championing justice, they’re doing nothing more than eroding the very foundations of it.”
The Flag of Rebellion and Division Is Literally Un-Australian
“Feel free to disagree on religious doctrine, but the Aboriginal flag’s representation of domestic rebellion, racial division and pagan religion is more than a little problematic for Bible believers if not all Australians.”
The Reformed Evangelical Divide, Clash of Worldviews, and Tim’s Open Letter to Shai
“The most positive thing to come out of these debates is the increased unity seen between Presbyterians and Baptists over their shared hatred of wokeism’s destructive ideologies.”
Coddling Islamism in the Name of Anti-Israel Activism Is Cultural Suicide
“Over 100 organisations are behind importing the HAMAS-Israel conflict, most of them… harbour pro-HAMAS messaging and ties.”
Turning Activists into Prophets: Why the Climate Change Religion is Dangerously Authoritarian
“Climate change policy prescriptions are tyrannical solutions looking for a problem.”
The Far-Left Takeover of Daycare: “Working in Childcare Is a Political Act”
“In other words, working in childcare is not about educating kids, it’s about indoctrinating them, and denouncing colleagues who say otherwise!”