50 search results for "conversion therapy"

“As India’s experience exemplifies, the inevitable consequence of anti-conversion laws in the West, will make Christians outlaws.”

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“Conversion therapy lawfare claims its first victim with Maltese police criminally charging a former homosexual under Malta’s 2016 ‘conversion therapy’ laws.”

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“This means as of January 8, 2022, it will be against the law to preach, teach, or counsel regarding God’s design for marriage and sexuality.”

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The letter, which presently has 2,227 signatures, warns the category of “Conversion Therapy” is so broad that it is essentially meaningless and could include things such as prayer, calling people to conversion to Christ or a parent’s loving advice to their own children.

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“For political power-brokers to use unfounded accusations in the media to seek to discourage members of a church or faith group from party membership or political participation is shameless religious discrimination.”

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Communism is the new black, and it’s finding its latest iteration in the West through the leftist agenda of sexual identity politics. But as with every other form of socialism, it is already manifesting the underlying totalitarian tendencies.

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While Christian Porter has delayed the introduction of the Religious Freedom Bill until 2021 due to COVID-19, the Attorney-General Jill Hennessy has sought to make hay while the sun shines.

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Some of Australia’s regional politicians would have us believe that they truly care for children and the vulnerable. Within a matter of days, two regional governments – Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory – have passed laws to criminalise so-called gay conversion therapy.

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Last week, Queensland became the first state in the country to ban “conversion therapy,” however, its supporters are already saying the legislation doesn’t go far enough.

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They want to stifle dissent, suppress speech, and criminalize opposition.

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In response to Daniel Andrews ‘Change or Suppression Practices Bill’, the Presbyterian Church of Australia stands poised to defy the recent legislation. As has previously been reported, there are a plethora of problems with the bill—which has significant legal repercussions for people also outside of the state—and was recently passed by the Victorian Upper House without amendment, with a cross party group of politicians also vowing to push a similar proposal in the NSW Parliament. According to the Star Observer: The group is made up of NSW parliamentarians from across the party spectrum. Members include Liberal MLC Shayne Mallard, Labor…

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The Victorian anti-conversion therapy legislation is precisely what many opponents of same-sex marriage said was coming.

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With how irrelevant anti-conversion therapy laws are, the implication is that the LGBTQAAI+ religion is seeking to outlaw anyone from leaving the LGBT lifestyle.

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“The hate campaign to cripple CIT is one more sad example in a growing list of examples where lives and livelihoods are being used to force compliance with far-left-wing ideology.”

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“Countless individuals have already admitted they were wrong in heading down this murky road – many of them coerced and pressured into it by parents, the media, pop culture, and a host of so-called experts.”

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“At this rate, Dan Andrews might reach retirement age before being voted out.”

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“Effectively, the state of California would be able to deny a parent’s rights by stopping a concerned father or mother from contacting, speaking to, or intervening in their alleged ‘trans’ child’s ‘gender reassignment’ surgery.”

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“It’s apparent that the Biden administration isn’t serious about solving real societal problems. They seem happy enough instead to coddle distractions because treating the symptoms keeps the masses dependent on the Daddy Government drug.”

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“In the message, MacArthur said the notion that you are something other than your biology is a cultural construct, which he described as ‘an assault on God.'”

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“Despite the plethora of biblical injunctions to ‘fear not!’ the church, on the whole, has not exhibited a robust spirit of courage.”

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