280 search results for "january 6"

A ‘crisis is brewing,’ according to the World Health Organization.

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Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.

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Sometimes truth-affirming criticism comes from the most unexpected of places.

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Of course, the only sensible response is to call them a flock of turkeys and move on.

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An ABC reporter covering the Hobart “Invasion Day” protest on Tuesday has been slammed during a live broadcast for speaking over the rally’s minute’s silence.

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A petition calling on the Department of Justice to establish a special counsel to investigate the Biden family for corruption has attracted over 180k signatures.

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At least 750 Christians have been massacred by government forces in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, according to reports from a Belgium-based non-profit.

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It looks like Antifa’s usefulness for the Democratic party expired shortly after Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office.

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Last year, Biden labeled President Trump an “absolute fool” for not wearing a mask in public, saying his lack of leadership on the issue was “costing people’s lives.”

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Slovakians will effectively be confined to their homes unless they provide proof that they have recently tested negative for COVID-19.

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Up to 8,000 immigrants are heading towards the United States border seeking a better life after Joe Biden proposes a massive immigration reform that would provide a ‘path for citizenship’ to 11 million illegal immigrants.

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On 8th January, Twitter, a social network, announced that it was “permanently suspending” U.S. President Donald Trump’s account.

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Joe Biden’s nomination for Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice has said black people are mentally, physically and spiritually superior to whites and Asians because of their genetic differences.

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Passengers on a Delta Airlines flight from Washington D.C. have allegedly been kicked off an airplane for supporting President Donald Trump.

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The police chief of England’s second-biggest force has said the government should give officers the right to force entry into homes of families they suspect are breaking lockdown rules.

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Twitter has suspended President Donald Trump for 12 hours following “the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington D.C.”

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Reminiscent of the Israel Folau saga, online LGBTQAAI+ trolls have pounced on a social media post shared by outspoken conservative author, and retired Australian Christian Lobby director, Lyle Shelton.

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Never think you’re not smart enough for politics.

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Advocates for Julian Assange are calling on President Donald Trump to pardon the besieged Wikileaks founder before Assange-hating Leftists are inaugurated back into the White House in January.

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As innate language users, human beings use language as their primary means of communication.

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