50 search results for "conversion therapy"

Jayne Ozanne, a prominent LGBT campaigner, described all prayer as dangerous and harmful if offered with the intent to change an individual’s sexuality or ‘gender identity.’

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“Aside from the ABC falsely reporting on the evening and protesters misreading and stirring up unnecessary fear about the event, local MP Rebecca Stephens was quick to be critical of the event without knowing its contents.”

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The aim of these particular activists and their sympathisers is to permit no one to air opinions different to their own.

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Polling prior to the March 13 Election in WA suggests that the incumbent Labor government will retain government, largely due to the single-beat media drumming for months on COVID-19 and overlooking other fundamental freedom issues.

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“How many sheep are outside, how many wolves within!”

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Instead of having serious discussions about what is going on in this nation surrounding the coercion of gender and sexual attraction, we are left to watch politicians embolden their friends under the cover of ‘social justice’.

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Those found to have engaged in forbidden practices, such as counselling and offering prayer, could face up to 10 years in prison or up-to $10,000 in fines.

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The greatest identity crisis is most acutely embedded into the psyches of Victoria’s Labor government as it rolls out yet another law that destroys citizens’ lives in the name of granting freedoms.

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Numerous jurisdictions in the Western world are going down the road of banning “conversion therapies” or “conversion practices”.

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Legislation introduced in the Victorian Government today could see Christians hit with heavy fines and lengthy jail times for attempting to convert LGBTQ people to Christianity or teaching certain portions of the Bible.

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Nobody expected the Transgender Inquisition! Nonetheless, it is well and truly underway.

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Andrea Williams CEO of Christian Concern warned churches will be next.

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The Canadian government introduced a bill on Monday that would criminalise any efforts to change a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill will add five new crimes to the Criminal Code, making it the most “progressive and comprehensive law in the world,” according to Justice Minister David Lametti. Lametti, who tabled the bill, said the legislation will make it a criminal offence to: (1) cause a minor to undergo conversion therapy; (2) remove a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad; (3) cause a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will; (4) profit from providing conversion…

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A couple of years back during that infamous postal vote, Australians voted to legalise same-sex marriage. During the debate, many warned that if marriage was redefined, a host of injustices would follow. People of faith could lose their jobs, gender-fluid teaching might take over schools, and the freedom to hold a dissenting view would disappear. Those in favour of same-sex marriage dismissed this as fear-mongering. They insisted that the plebiscite was only about the freedom of loving couples to marry. It was a false ‘slippery slope’ argument, they said, to suggest that other negative consequences could follow. “Marriage Equality will…

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Lawmakers in California are pushing a new resolution in the state Assembly Judiciary Committee which essentially gives the state the power to dictate the moral positions of the Church, regardless of where the Bible stands. CBN News reports: “The Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 (ACR 99) calls on ‘counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators’ and institutions with ‘great moral influence’ to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual behavior. ACR 99 also condemns attempts to change unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion as ‘unethical,’ ‘harmful,’ and leading to high rates of suicide.” A number of individuals…

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Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, has announced ‘conversion therapy’ will be against the law in the state of Victoria. In a post on Facebook, Andrews announced: “Gay, bi and trans people don’t need to be ‘cured’ – because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them. And if you think otherwise, maybe there’s something wrong with you. “‘Conversion therapy’ destroys lives,” he went on to say. “It creates shame and stigma. And soon, it will be against the law in Victoria. This is an Australian first. And it’s the right thing to do. Because bigoted quackery has no place in this…

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As Western societies lurch from one disastrous fad to another, there have been increased efforts to ban what are called gay conversion therapies. Hollywood has naturally offered its obligatory contribution with the movie Boy Erased, Academia chipped in with a report from La Trobe University – the institution that birthed the Safe Schools Coalition – which joined with the Human Rights Law Centre and Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria to produce research to show that ‘LGBT conversion therapy remains a real problem in Australian religious communities.’ The Victorian government over 2016-2017 banned such therapy, and the Conservative government in the…

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Christians who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could soon find themselves being prosecuted as the Victorian government orders an unprecedented inquiry into gay conversion therapy. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the inquiry will capture registered or unregistered counsellors, as well as faith-based ministries, who treat homosexuality as a disorder, along with anyone purporting to convert LGBTI people through therapeutic means. A bill has already been introduced in California, making it illegal to help anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender confusion. AB 2943 utilizes California’s existing consumer fraud statue to penalize “any practices that seek to change an…

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We told you it was about more than marriage. Christians who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could soon find themselves being prosecuted as the Victorian government orders an unprecedented inquiry into gay conversion therapy. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the inquiry will capture registered or unregistered counsellors, as well as faith-based ministries, who treat homosexuality as a disorder, along with anyone purporting to convert LGBTI people through therapeutic means. Health Minister Jill Hennessy, who asked Victoria’s Health Complaints Commissioner to conduct the investigation, told The Age: We have zero tolerance for anyone purporting to ‘convert’ gay people through…

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