Category Archives: Christianity

“May I suggest that those Christian leaders who, so far, have been silent in the face of coercion and/or violation of basic bodily autonomy by the state when it comes to COVID measures would probably not be that one courageous person.”

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“Indeed, there is a caricature view among Christian that law is bad, and the gospel is good. But this is neither biblical nor helpful.”

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“It isn’t unusual today to hear progressive Christians calling conservative Christians ‘extreme’ or ‘crazy’, and this is especially true when politicians get involved in the church.”

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“Make no mistake, the Devil is very busy indeed. In a time of turmoil and trial, he is busy pointing people in many directions, as long as they don’t go in the one direction that can provide true and lasting relief, namely, the direction of Jesus Christ.”

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“Will the Confessing Church ever learn that majority decision in matters of conscience kills the spirit?” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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“Unfortunately for Christians in Australia, we don’t have clear constitutional provisions to point at when the state and territory government gets uncomfortably involved in religious affairs. It seems that while Section 116 of our constitution protects us from the Federal government messing with religion, the States and Territories get free reign.”

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“One of the massive blunders has been the hardcore and over-the-top lockdown measures. They have actually caused more harm than good, and many reports and studies have shown just how damaging and counterproductive they have been.”

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“I was born and brought up as one of four missionary children in Tanzania. I still remember to this day the lepers in the streets… The church there in Morogoro did not stop the sick from entering and was open to all.”

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Now is the time to insist that churches be re-opened. For everyone: vaccinated and unvaccinated.

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“Before thinking through how and when we should submit to governing rulers, we must first take a step back to an even more fundamental question: What is the proper role and scope of government in this world?”

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A poem inspired by a freedom rally protester who was publicly condemned by Christian leaders for carrying a sign that read, “The Blood of Christ is My Vaccine.”

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Is the aversion to risk, at all costs, approach truly the only Christian response to our present circumstances?

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“…the response of the professing evangelical and even Reformed church during the coronavirus has been one of the most discouraging and disheartening parts of this whole year.”

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“I have heard very little talk about eternity from Christian leaders. Instead, the conversation goes back to loving neighbors by wearing masks, shrinking services and refusing to sing in church, and other odd examples of “morbid safetyism.” Fearing the scorn of the world and ruining our witness, countless churches and their pastors have shut themselves into an endless Zoom loop. And yet, does this strategy reflect the fearlessness that the resurrection offers? Or is it a symptom of the secularism that now infects the church?”

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Indeed, when a Christian’s best testimony to his neighbors is found in waiting patiently for governing officials to permit churches to gather again, thus denying Christ’s command to gather, we have a new instance of Corban—replacing the law of God with human traditions.

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Does God require our civil rulers to repent of sin and govern according to God’s Word? Does God command us as a citizenry to repent and put our trust in him, in order for our land to be healed?

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Before we know it, in our vain pursuit of “liberty” from Christianity, we’ll have shaped for ourselves a society ripe for tyranny.

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You might as well rail against lifejackets because some sailors have drowned after taking them off at sea.

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Rather than reaffirm the legitimacy of their arguments, I’m more convinced than ever that “love is love”, was, and still is a lie. Their goal was domination, not “equality.”

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“He never marshaled an army, nor drafted a soldier, nor fired a gun; and yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have, under His orders, made more rebels stack arms and surrender without a shot fired.”

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