Five Takeaways From Zuckerberg’s Promise to End Meta’s “Fact Checking” War on Free Speech
“He doesn’t apologise for any of it. Neither does he say he would reinstate accounts unfairly blocked…”
Full Metal Meltdown: Matthew Modine Smears Trump, Stanley Kubrick’s Daughter Pushes Back
“I feel very confident he would be a Trump supporter and would forgive using FMJ incongruously if it helps the cause of freedom!”
LOOR TV’s “Gothix” Goes Where The Meta Majority Fears to Tread
“Her alleged crime was criticising Woke Disney’s decision to cast a black American as white, red-headed Ariel in a live remake of The Little Mermaid.”
The ABC Ditches Musk’s Free X-Change of Ideas for Meta’s Marxist Utopia
“Musk fired back, ‘Well of course they prefer censorship-friendly social media. The Australian public does not.'”
Meta Misogynists Boot Kirralie Smith for Challenging Football Australia’s Trans Policy
“Powerful men shutting down women’s voices – is that stunning and brave?”
Churches Targeted, Media Silent: Woke Mob Fueled by a “Hatred of God,” Says Metaxas
Author and historian Eric Metaxas has said a hatred for God is at the root of the current civil unrest that has moved from attacking American monuments to defacing Christian statues and churches. The best-selling author spoke with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday about recent attacks on churches, along with anti-Christian rhetoric from Former Democratic National Committee head and former presidential candidate Howard Dean. On July 11, Dean tweeted: “Unfortunately Christians don’t have much a reputation for anything but hate these days thanks to Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell and other trump friends. AJC gets no points for this.”…
Make Hollywood Great Again: Gibson, Voight, and Stallone Enlist as Trump’s Entertainment Envoys
“I heed the call,” Gibson said. “My duty as a citizen is to give any help and insight I can.”
Zuckerberg Claims Biden Administration Forced Facebook to Censor Vaccine Side Effect Information
“Zuckerberg detailed how the administration pushed the platform to remove content—even if it was factual—that discussed vaccine risks.”
Zuckerberg Announces Return to Free Speech on Facebook: “Too Many Mistakes and Too Much Censorship”
“We’re going to get rid of fact-checkers and replace them with community notes similar to X…”
Green Hydrogen: Mythology Meets Reality
“It was coal and cheap electricity that got us out of the poverty of the dark ages. Why do they want to send us back there?”
Zuckerberg vs Durov
“What does it say about the state of free speech when a Western nation arrests the founder of one of the few platforms that refuses to bow to government censorship?”
Zuckerberg Says He Regrets COVID Censorship and Caving to Demands of Biden Administration
“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” Zuckerberg said.
‘Infanticide’: Senate Votes to Deny Medical Care to Babies Born Alive Following Botched Abortions
“The vote reveals that our elected officials regard human life, not as an immutable right bestowed by our Creator, but a privilege that is granted and revoked at the arbitrary will of those in power.”
The Faith of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s Exceptionalism
“The Orthodox faith… is considered a key element of what Putin calls ‘Russia’s moral foundations.’ These key elements are patriotism and Orthodox Christianity. These are, according to him, the moral foundations of Russia’s identity…”
Farage Factor Anchors Reformed UK’s Fight to Save Britain in General Election D-Day
“We’re not here as wreckers. We’re here as builders.”
Central Bank Digital Currency and Your Property Rights
“By controlling anyone’s access to money through central bank controlled digital wallet system, the oligarchs could potentially control everything you spend your money on. And if you speak out against their tyranny they simply withhold your money from you.”
Amazon Prime Announces New Animated Series Where God is the Villain and Satan is the Hero
“The series follows Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Lucifer, who’s upset by God’s violent solution to kill off demons to deal with an overpopulation issue in Hell.”
Where Have All the Angry New Atheists Gone?
“A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.”
Farage Factor Boosts UK Reforms Election Chances, Polling Shows
“By making him a public enemy, they’ve made themselves an enemy of the public.”
Green Day Goes From Punk Rock Protagonists to Puking Propagandists
American idiots, indeed!