The ‘No Borders’ U.S. Vax Ban of Novak Djokovic Is Just Plain Democrat Dumb
Novak Djokovic’s ban on entering the United States has been met with the derision the Biden decision deserves.
‘Free Novak Djokovic’ Petition Gets Over 80,000 Signatures In Three Days
“If a successful, internationally recognized professional athlete can fall victim to the human rights violations of the ruling class, anybody can.
Djokovic Granted Vaccine Exemption As Australians Lose Their Careers to Strict “No Jab, No Job” Mandates
“We’re losing good nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, aged care workers, and more. But this is where exemptions are offered? Tennis?”
De-banking Nigel Farage Was Motivated by Politics, Not Commerce: Bank Apologises
“The viral story fed online trolls, who used the article to defame Farage as a liar and a Russian puppet.”
Government Overreach in the Name of the “Greater Good” Is Catastrophic for Liberty
“Any serious student of the 1930s is struck by the familiarity of the debate.”
Moonbat Government Policies Are the Real Danger, Not the Virus
“If we ever get out of all this alive, one day the historians will marvel at the utter insanity that swept the world – certainly the Western world.”