Category Archives: State

A disgusting video produced by the ABC has recently resurfaced on Facebook. The sadomasochistic themed clip asks S&M enthusiasts “awkward, inappropriate and uncomfortable questions you’ve never had the guts to ask.” Just another reason why we should all seriously ask, should the ABC be defunded? Warning: the clip below contains graphic content.

We want to know what you think. Should the taxpayer funded ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, be defunded? Cast your vote below and then be sure to share this poll with your friends. Should the ABC be defunded? — Caldron Pool (@caldronpool) March 9, 2018

You hear a lot in America about the “war on women,” but it’s men in America who are failing. We have some shocking statistics: The signs are everywhere. If you’re a middle aged man, you probably know a peer who has killed himself in recent years. At least one. If you’re a parent, you may have noticed that your daughter’s friends seem a little more on the ball than your son’s. They get better grades. They smoke less weed. They go to more prestigious colleges. If you’re an employer, you may have noticed that your female employees show up on…

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We adulate celebrities so much, it’s no wonder they’re under the impression that we care about their political opinions. The truth is, we don’t. In this video, Candace Owens, Director of Urban Development for Turning Point USA, lets unaware celebs in on the reality: no one cares what they think. 

What It’s Like is a series on ABC ME, a television station aimed at school children. The program is for young people “whose voices, stories and perspectives aren’t often seen or heard.” In each episode children learn what it’s like to be in somebody else’s situation. Episodes include, What It’s Like: To Be Transgender, and What It’s Like: To Have Same-Sex Parents.  This week, young viewers learned What It’s Like: To Be Queer. The episode includes children talking about their experiences with homosexuality. “We like being gay, lesbian, transgender, asexual, intersex. We like being who we are and we’re comfortable with it…

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Behind the News (also known as, BtN), is a long-running news program created by the ABC. The show is described as a “high-energy, fun way for Upper Primary and Secondary students to learn about current issues and events in their world.” BtN is aimed at school children aged 8-13 years. Many schools show the program to their students each week. This week, in yet another attempt by the ABC to make the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras appear family-friendly, an episode of BtN was dedicated to the debauched event. The episode begins with a group of children praising the event as, “beautiful,” “flamboyant,” and…

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The height of arrogance is denying the truth we know and calling that denial “humility.” In the following clip, Sye Ten Bruggencate demonstrates the philosophical absurdity behind the claim that truth is truly unattainable.

Celebrities must think the rest of us are pretty stupid. Did the former host of The Man Show actually just lecture us on inappropriate conduct? During the opening monologue at the 2018 Oscars, host Jimmy Kimmel’s stated: But what happened with Harvey, and what’s happening all over, was long overdue. We can’t let bad behavior slide anymore. The world is watching us. We need to set an example and the truth is if we are successful here, if we can work together to stop sexual harassment in the workplace, if we can do that, women will only have to deal with harassment…

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Qantas has told their employees to use “gender appropriate” language to avoid offending the LGBTQI community. According to the Daily Telegraph, an information booklet, issued by Quanta’s People and Culture group executive Lesley Grant, asks employees to stop using potentially offensive words such as “honey, darling and love.” Terms such as “partner” are also to be used in place of husband and wife, and “parents” instead of mum and dad. Also frowned upon are gender-inappropriate words such as guys, mankind, or chairman. Language can make groups of people invisible. For example, the use of the term chairman can reinforce the idea that…

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Last week a small group of protesters rallied in front of LifeChoice’s O-Week stall at the University of Sydney. Their message was scrawled across the ground in chalk: “Abortion is good,” “Abortion saves lives,” “It’s just cells,” “Fetuses have no personhood.” The protesters took turns screaming into a megaphone, urging disinterested passersby to, “Come and get some chalk. Tell LifeChoice they suck. Go for it.” We’ve tried to get it de-registers a lot of times, similar to German cockroaches but for some f-cking reason they just keep going… I think that ultimately a stall like this has no place in…

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Initially, I thought it may have been a prank. Perhaps a pro-life group created this love-heart frame to see how many mindless pro-aborts would take a photo while holding it. But no, it was no prank – they are really just that ignorant. The sign reads, “Pro-Choice: Everyone deserves the right to choose.” The right to choose what? The right to choose to end the life of your unborn child. And what of that child’s right to choose life? Apparently “everybody” doesn’t have the right to choose after all. So, are the pro-aborts at University of Sydney Women’s Collective just…

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Christianity, family, and a sense of national pride – all of these threaten to hinder the spread of Marxism. If the ideology is to successfully take root, these things must first be dismantled. The influence of Christianity must be thrown into question. Any sense of biblical morality must be suppressed. The family, including family values, must erode, along with ideas of patriotism and nationalism. It’s no surprise that all of these are often subjected to attack. Christians are increasingly dismissed as intolerant bigots, subject to archaic beliefs that now fall on the “wrong side of history.” The idea of family…

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Is radicalism in the Muslim world a tiny minority phenomenon? Many of our leaders seem to think so, and they often stress the point in order to dispel any ideas that Islam is in any way incompatible with the West. Take for example just a small sampling of comments made by Western leaders, often immediately following an Islamic terrorist attack. Malcolm Turnbull: Islam is an ancient religion of great scholarship. I mean for heaven’s sake, must of our learning and culture came to us from the Muslims… The idea that Islam is antithetical to learning or culture or scholarship is absurd.…

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What’s the problem with society today? We celebrate evil. We glorify depravity. It’s being forced on us, whether we like it or not. It’s in movies, television, music, even children’s programs aren’t immune. So, what’s the answer? What’s the solution? Dr John MacArthur once said, “Reform is no answer for a culture like ours. Redemption is what is needed, and that occurs at the individual, not societal level.” What does that look like? Watch as John Piper reflects on Billy Graham’s legacy and ministry and the impact he had on thousands of individuals. 

The ABC have released a 2 minute video designed to promote the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras to young viewers. The clip titled, Mardi Gras + Me, features a group of children explaining what the degenerate event means to them. “Mardi Gras is a beautiful thing,” a young boy says. “It’s inclusive. It’s flamboyant.” A child appearing no older than six explains, “We have Mardi Gras because we’re celebrating gay and lesbian people.” While another claims, “Anyone can love who they want to, you know? Whether it’s a man or a man or a woman or a woman.” The ABC is Australia’s…

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Delaware is preparing to pass a rule that would allow students as young as five to ‘choose’ their own race and gender. Under Regulation 225, LGBTQ activists are pushing to make it a requirement for schools to provide students with access to bathrooms and sports facilities in accordance with their preferred gender – and that, without parental consent. The rule doesn’t require schools to inform parents of any change in gender, if they believe that the parents would not support the decision. Transgender activist, Mark Purpura said the rule is made in the “best interest of the child” as it helps…

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What’s going on within our modern university system? In the video below Verum Media explains, “From the US to Europe and even here in Australia, we have seen what are supposed to be places of free thinking, inquiry, and innovation, fast become left-wing indoctrination centres where speech and thought outside of what is accepted is being shut down, silenced, and pushed off campus.” 

Let’s be honest. Apple are in the business of selling products. They’re a business, and they’re not going to back a cause that threatens to sink them. So, don’t mistake their latest campaign for bravery. They’ve simply joined the plethora of brands now gayifying just about everything they’re offering, automated teller machines are no exception. In fact, thanks to the official YES Campaign, we’ve now been offered a large list of more than 2,000 organisations that are publicly backing LGBTQI issues. It’s no surprise then to see Apple’s latest virtue-signaling campaign called First Dance. A number of short videos have appeared on social media recently,…

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Westfield Sydney, together with Byron Bay Cookies, is set to host their first live drag show in preparation for Sydney’s 40th Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The free public event, titled “Life’s a Drag,” will be held at midday on March 2, at Pitt Street Mall, Sydney. Westfield’s website and newsletter invites shoppers to: Join host, Maxi Shield and her Queens and celebrate Sydney’s true colours, as they entertain you at Westfield Sydney’s first drag show. The group behind You’re Teaching Our Children What? has encouraged parents to contact Westfield Sydney and voice your disapproval. A post on their website states: Our message to…

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In less than two minutes, Ben Shapiro from the Daily Wire, explains why socialism is a failed, tyrannical form of government. Capitalism is good because capitalism is freedom. Socialism is bad because socialism is tyranny… The statement of socialism is that your labor is owned to the society. The notion of socialism is that you do not own your own freedom, you do not own your own time, you do not own your own labor, you do not own your own work, you do not own the products of your own work. The basic notion of capitalism is that you…

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