Category Archives: State

A professor in Iowa who openly declared his support for the violent leftist group Antifa has been forced to resign from his position at a community college after posting comments online stating that he wants to “kill all” Christians and “clock” President Trump with a baseball bat. Jeff Klinzman, an adjunct English professor of almost 10 years at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids posted a poem on social media containing the words, “Kill them all and bury them deep in the ground.” The professor then added, “It’s not pretty, and I’m not proud, but seeing what evangelical Christians are…

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A woman has shoved Avi Yemini and accused him of assaulting her after he asked her a question during a free Hong Kong rally in Melbourne’s CBD. Yemini was present to report on the Sunday rally, which was hosted by the local Tibetan community. According to Yemini, towards the end of the event, a group of radical leftists set up a pro-refugee stand right in front of the rally. Yemini approached two members of the group and asked them if they support the Tibetans, to which they promptly responded: “F–k off, you racist.” “Leave us alone. You’re actually assaulting us,” one…

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A cheerleader in Ohio will face trial next month, accused of smashing in her newborn daughter’s skull, burning her body, and burying her in the backyard garden. Brooke Skylar Richardson is alleged to have murdered her daughter Annabelle shortly after giving birth back in 2017, just days after her high school prom, The Sun reports. The now 20-year-old, who has been under house arrest for more than a year, has been charged with aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter, endangering children, tampering with evidence and abuse of a corpse. Richardson’s lawyers have accused prosecutors of sensationalising the story by turning it into…

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Researcher for the Australian Christian Lobby, Dr Elisabeth Taylor, dazzles in her presentation on two vacuous ideologies seeking, not just to influence Western society, but rip up its biblical Christian foundations, and impose new cultural laws on it. Such as the eradication of what theorists within the LGBT religion label “heteronormativity”. The assumption being that heteronormativity is oppressive to the LGBT community. Ergo, all-out war, short of physical violence, must be made against it. The presentation clarifies and provides information about transgenderism. Taylor digs deep, discussing the theory’s origins and why it’s necessary to push back against it. In doing…

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In the early ’90s, Caren, an agency nurse in Sydney, Australia, came across a baby boy who was left alone to die next to a hospital clinical waste bin. The baby was born alive and left in a cold stainless steel kidney dish for about two hours after his mother decided to abort him at 20-weeks. “I didn’t know what to do,” Caren said. “Because this was an abortion and you’re not allowed to intervene, I just did not know what to do. But there was nobody treating that baby. That baby was breathing and yet I couldn’t go and…

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A U.S. Appeals Court has ruled that the State cannot force Christian filmmakers to express messages contrary to their faith and conviction. Two years ago a Minnesota court ruled that Telescope Media Group, a Christian film company run by husband and wife team, Carl and Angel Larsen, was in violation of the state’s Human Rights Act. According to the court, the Act essentially compelled the parents of eight to use their creativity and services to create films celebrating homosexuality and same-sex marriage, contrary to their faith and conviction. At the time, Alliance Defending Freedom claimed: State officials have categorically, publicly,…

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I recently went to see my local member who also happens to be the NSW Opposition Leader, Jodi McKay, about the now notorious ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ which she had so jubilantly spoken in favour of in the Lower House. And she very kindly gave me a copy of her speech in which she made the oft-repeated assertion: Between 20 and 25 per cent of women in Australia will have an abortion in their lifetime. Seeing that Ms McKay is a former lobbyist for Family Planning NSW—and is still the ‘phone voice’ you hear when you call—I initially took the accuracy…

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In a speech on Tuesday night, One Nation MP, Mark Latham, joined a growing chorus of opposition voicing their concerns over the poor process applied to the recent NSW abortion bill. Latham joins Liberal MP Natasha Maclaren-Jones, the National Party’s, Barnaby Joyce and Dr David Gillespie, in criticising the rushed bill, deceptively called ‘The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill’. The abortion bill passed the lower house (legislative assembly) by 59 to 31 on August 9. The MP responsible for introducing the bill was “Independent” member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, whose candidacy (for context) was backed by Leftist golden girl, and…

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At the Parliamentary Press Freedom inquiry on the 14th of this month, Australian Federal Police commissioner Andrew Colvin refused to rule out the possibility of charging Walkley-Award winning NewsCorp Journalist Annika Smethurst for publishing leaked Intelligence documents in April last year. Colvin’s refusal comes despite a directive from Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on August 9th: I expect the AFP to take into account the importance of a free and open press… before undertaking investigative action involving a professional journalist or news media organisation in relation to unauthorised disclosure of material… Smethurst’s reports included a proposal by Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo to give…

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Coca-Cola will reportedly pull a series of pro-LGBTQ themed advertisements after an online petition gathered more than 41,000 signatures. The multinational corporation triggered the backlash by running a pro-LGBTQ campaign across public locations throughout Budapest, Hungary. The advertisements featured homosexual couples embracing while sharing a Coke Zero with the caption, “#LoveIsLove” and “Zero Sugar, Zero Prejudice.” A petition created by CitizenGo Hungary and established in response to the campaign went viral this month, collecting more than 41,000 signatures. Citizens who signed the petition demanded the immediate removal of the advertisements because “the homosexual content promoted on the posters threatens public…

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Examiners in the UK failed a 16-year-old vegetarian student for making Islamophobic remarks criticizing the Islamic ritual slaughter of animals. Abigail Ward of Gildredge House school in Eastbourne, East Sussex, was disqualified from her General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exam after the examination board accused her of committing a “malpractice offence” by making “obscene racial comments… throughout an exam paper.” According to The Telegraph, however, the student had only once remarked that she found Halal Islamic ritual slaughter practices “disgusting”. The schoolgirl’s mother, Layla Ward, accused the examiner of being “over-zealous” and  “over-righteous”, saying her daughter is “an animal lover…

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Thousands of Australians gathered at Martin Place in Sydney on Tuesday evening to take a stand for the unborn and ‘be a voice for the voiceless’. The ‘Stand for Life‘ rally was organised in response to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, which last week passed the lower house 59 to 31. The bill will essentially throw open the doors to late-term abortion, on-demand, by any method, no matter how abhorrent, up to 22 weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. It’s estimated that at…

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Just weeks away from what’s sure to be a roiling State Council meeting, the realisation is dawning that Gladys Berejiklian is not the party leader Liberals are looking for. Anger is also growing, especially amongst socially conservative members, with the feeling they were deceived into helping her get elected only to implement radically ‘progressive’ policies much of the party opposes. It was not the leadership of Gladys Berejiklian which remarkably wrested likely government from the New South Wales Labor Party at that election. Far more significant was a simple question from Senator Eric Abetz which resulted in the resignation of Labor Leader,…

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Many people are rightly outraged at just how extreme Alex Greenwich’s “Reproductive Rights Bill” is, which will soon be before the NSW Upper House. It allows for abortion up until the day of birth, on the basis of sex selection, and if the child happens to still be born alive then the withdrawal of all medical assistance. It is quite simply, horrifying. But one aspect which seems to be completely overlooked is that babies with congenital conditions—such as Spina Bifida (see from the thirteen-minute mark in the following link), Downs Syndrome (just see what they’ve done in Iceland)  or even…

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It has been decreed from on high that these awards are no longer to be called the ‘best and fairest awards’ but the ‘those who made the most impact awards’. Now that the Bledisloe Cup for 2019 has been decided, the winners can be congratulated, in terms of their contribution to the All Black victory: 1. Three points to Raelene Castle. Her contribution to the All Black victory was invaluable. Having left Bulldogs in her wake, she now leaves Wallabies in the same condition. At times her profession and her accent seemed to indicate a divided loyalty but when the…

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Along with concerns around late-term abortion, the general public are greatly concerned by the issue of sex-selection abortion. While the NSW Legislative Assembly rejected an amendment to ban sex-selection abortions, they included in their draft Bill, a statement of disapproval of the practise. Many abortion advocates are strenuously denying that sex-selection abortion occurs in Australia, yet there is both anecdotal and research evidence that it does.  Phillip Goldstone, Director of Marie Stopes, one of Australian’s largest abortion providers, in his submission to the Inquiring Committee, says: We do not support the inclusion of gender selection in the Bill and we…

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In 1981 42 per cent of the world lived in extreme poverty earning less than $700 USD per year. Today that number is less than 10%. Economists studying this decline have discovered that open borders immigration and wealth redistribution has not been the solution, but rather the classical conservative solution of small government: reducing the regulation burden. Data from 189 economies shows that increasing business creation has a correlating decrease in the levels of poverty in each nation. Government is not the answer to personal and social problems. Individual responsibility and liberty are what actually empowers and lifts citizens out…

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I like Twitter because there’s a much higher concentration of people with opposite views to me, compared to the opportunity for engagement beyond like-minded people on my Facebook page. I subscribe to the philosophy that my ideas are only as strong as the strongest criticism I expose them to. Sincerely wanting to pursue Truth and share what I have – as opposed to simply scoring ego points – I enjoy the arguments while they remain civil. It comes as no surprise to anyone that there’s also plenty of opportunity for wasting time engaging people completely devoid of sincerity with absolutely…

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A transgender book for teens which contains graphic descriptions of oral sex carried out by children as young as six is being promoted in the youth sections of local libraries, according to Kirralie Smith, director of Binary Australia. The book, Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, tells the story of six young adults and their journey to embracing transgenderism. An excerpt of the book, shared by Binary Australia, gives a shocking account of a six-year-old performing oral sex on the “guys in the neighbourhood” and enjoying it, without any mention of it being illegal or harmful. From six up, I used…

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A top US abortionist has left a BBC reporter lost for words after admitting he has no problem killing “babies.” Life Site News shared a short portion of the interview between reporter Hilary Andersson and abortionist LeRoy Carhart, which was filmed at a Maryland abortion clinic in July for a thirty-minute segment titled America’s Abortion War. During the interview, Ms Andersson asked Carhart how late in the pregnancy he would perform an abortion. Carhart refused to respond on camera, but then left Ms Andersson visibly stunned by saying: “To the fetus, it makes no difference if it’s born or not…

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