Category Archives: Cartoons

Have you ever etched something into the trunk of a tree? I wonder about the people who come along at a later date and attempt to decipher our primitive code language for who hearts who. Suppose you stumbled across a tree etching, a simple straight line for example. Now, you might conclude that it was an unintentional mark, a random scratching from an animal’s claw perhaps. Now suppose that line was followed by a love heart. The likelihood of that etching being the result of a random wild creature decreases drastically. There is an obvious level of intentionality behind that…

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Think you’re funny? We want to challenge our readers! Post your funniest single scene cartoon ideas, of any topic, in the comments of the Facebook post below and we’ll turn the BEST idea into a real cartoon!

There’s the expectation: “Ask your child for consent before changing their nappy…” And then, there’s reality:

D. James Kennedy: “A few years ago the former Surgeon General of the United States, David Satcher, reported that some twelve million Americans are infected by sexually transmitted diseases each year. Worldwide there are more than one hundred million cases of gonorrhea alone. In addition, there are cases of syphilis, chlamydia, herpes (millions of people have that), as well as the dreaded AIDS and twenty-one other horrible sexually transmitted diseases. So maybe God isn’t such a killjoy after all by forbidding sex outside of marriage. And maybe every good gift and every perfect gift does come down from above, and…

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Dr Judith Reisman said, “[America] was, up to the end of the second World War, a conservative, Judeo-Christian nation. “The turning point for all that was Dr Alfred Kinsey and his book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 1948. He was the father of the sexual revolution, and therefore the father of everything that has come from that. And certainly one of the key things was pornography… ” According to Reisman, Kinsey’s relationship with convicted Nazi pedophile Fritz Von Balluseck “became the foundation for the sex educational structure that fed itself into what we are teaching our children right now… “And…

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Last year, Ben Shapiro tweeted an image detailing the process of fetal development. Attached to the image was the question, “When is it okay to kill this baby?” Fetal Development Day 1: Fertilization: all human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins. Day 6: Embryo begins implantation in the uterus. Day 22: Heart begins to beat with the child’s own blood, often a different type than the mother’s. Week 3: By the end of third week the child’s backbone spinal column and nervous system are forming. The liver, kidneys and intestines begin to take shape. Week 4: By the end…

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“It’s truly amazing how history repeats itself. The argument in favor of abortion is exactly the same as the argument in favor of slavery. ‘You’re on my land? Then I get to decide whether you’re a person or property.’ Then you have women who say, ‘It’s in my womb, I get to decide whether this is a child or not.’ Well it turns out in human history there is a long, inglorious chain of people who said, ‘I get to decide whether this is a person or not’ and it never ended with anything but mass death.” Ben Shapiro

“One often hears the rallying cry from pro-choice advocates: ‘my body, my choice.’ Certainly, they exercise a choice, but, it is not just ‘my body’. There are two (2) bodies, each genetically distinct, and each ‘foreign’ to the other. It should be recognized that the body of the early embryo is very active in its daily rituals of survival. Prior to about 14 days post-fertilization the embryo becomes composed of two layers, an upper or epi-layer, and a lower or hypo – layer. At 14 days a third layer appears wedged in between the upper and lower layers. At this…

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